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The results of an investigation into the effects of various finishing processes on the propertiesof cotton rich mans shirting fabrics are presented and discussed.The KES-FB system was used forthe testing of fabric mechanical properties.It is concluded tha
[开开心心—阅读]  午后的天灰蒙蒙的,没有一丝风。乌云压得很低,似乎要下雨。就像一个人想打喷嚏,可是又打不出来,憋得很难受。  多尔先生情绪很低落,他最烦在这样的天气出差。他转车到休斯敦。离开车的时间还有两个小时,他随便在站前广场上漫步,借以打发时间。  一个小乞丐走到他跟前,摊着小脏手:“先生,可怜可怜我吧,我三天没有吃东西了。您给一美元也行。”多尔先生为这个小乞丐难过,他掏出一美元的硬币,递
The reactor is equipped with two different types of agitators: the diameter-variable agitator and the two-pitched-paddle agitator. The diameter of the former ca
In this paper,we give four characteristic theorems of the natural Tchebysheff splint functionassociated with multiple knots.These theorems possess specific form
放学了,望着窗外的大雨,想着病中的妈妈,我不禁开始伤心:怎么办啊?妈妈还躺在床上,等着我回去煮饭呢!  但是,天公不作美。风,依然不停地刮着;雨,也不解人情地下着,而且有愈来愈猛的势头。我不禁打了个冷颤,心里头万分着急,不争气的泪水在眼眶里打着转……  时间在我焦急的等待中一分一秒地过去了,突然,我听见了一种熟悉而又缓慢的腳步声。我立即把头探了出去,只见走廊里出现了一个熟悉的身影——是妈妈!霎时,
Fiber migration in spinning greatly influences the propesties of the resultant yarn.After stud-ying its dynamic behaviour,the author developed a new model of fi
[阅读情境]  水上,拱着古老的石桥,像一弯清秀的眉毛;  石桥下,还有水中的桥,还有,人和伞,狗和栀子花,竹笠,卖蒸糕的担子,都在潋滟的波光中,晃着影儿;  河的两岸,是窄而陡峭的;岸上有走马转阁的回廊,有伸向河面的茶楼,书场,酒肆;还有住家户,住家户后门的石梯坎,姐儿妹儿们蹲在石梯坎上,洗菜,濯足,淘米;  她们的印花中,像一朵朵彩色的香草;  她们轻柔的话语,像紫燕归来,在弹奏呢喃的春歌; 
The goal of this research is to describe and analyze women’s wear in the late Qing Dynasty andearly Republic Period(late 19th c.—early 20th c.),with an emphas
This paper employs computer colour generation,and match prediction systems and aims tofind the most critical change of dye concentration corresponding to change
In this paper,a new resin called Resin M for imparting antifelting properties to wool fabricshas been studied.Resin M may be used by aqueous oxidative/polymer t
过年啦!大街小巷都热热闹闹的,家家户户也喜气洋洋。春节嘛,拜年这一习俗自然是必不可少的了。  这不,大年初一一早,噼里啪啦的鞭炮声就响了起来。我缩在暖暖的被窝里正和周公下棋,忽然,一阵冷风把“周公”吹走了,一个熟悉的声音响了起来:“儿子,起床啦!今天你要跟爸爸妈妈去外婆家拜年!”我迷迷糊糊地睁开眼,只见爸爸妈妈早已经“整装待发”了。见我还在揉眼睛,妈妈赶紧把新衣服拿过来,以“光速”的速度帮我换上,