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When Gabe Adams, now 20, was born in Brazil, none of his limbs grew at all. Adopted by Janelle and Ron Adams, Gabe was brought to the US as a baby. Dad, Ron, said, “The biggest concern as a parent obviously was how we raise a son with no arms and no legs, to be independent. We worked hard to help him overcome different challenges.”
While I was working at a French school, I was often in the staff room preparing my work. Some-times I would hear the school secretary talking. At first I assume
Miles Wagner was born with primary hyperoxaluria, a rare condition that can lead to kidney (肾) failure. He was 8 weeks old when he had a sudden attack. His doc
The wedding tradition of “something old, some-thing new, something borrowed and something blue”has been around for hundreds of years. The tradition of carryin
After spending 27 years as a dog person, I became a cat mom to two kittens almost ovight, and not too shortly after, a crazy cat lady who wore clothes that said
这种高通量试验堆采用轻水慢 化和冷却、重水作为反射层,重水箱安放在堆芯周围盛装重水.由于较高的中子通量要求,重水箱内壁的壁厚受到严格限制,对箱体结构的强度造成很大影
结构试验科学数据库SEbase着眼于描述结构试验 全貌,它包含了整个试验过程中产生的各种类型的数据。该文以振动台试验为例,探讨了SEbase的数据规范化,并讨论了如何利用动态发布技术实现SEbase试验