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12 June Dear Diary, Im so happy today. I, along with my three classmates, signed up for a debate competition which was held in my school, Yangzhong Senior School. As a group, we participated in it o
This weekend, the debaters from seven de?partments gathered in the hall of Nanjing Audit University Jinshen College and participated in a splendid debate competition—Jinshen Cup Competition. Starting
沙子是我們生活中不可或缺的原料之一,似乎取之不竭,用之不尽,为什么现在会面临沙子资源短缺的危机呢? Tiny and unnoticeable though it may seem, sand is a critical ingredient of our lives. It is the primary raw material that modern cities are made from
Last Wednesday, an English speech contest was held in our school in order to show the talents of some students who were chosen to represent their classes in Senior 2. The contest was tight in the begi
He could see almost the entire city from where he sat, including the plaza where he had talked with the old man. “Curse the moment I met that old man,” he thought. He had come to the town only to f
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莱布生活拮据,他告别家乡来到大城市谋求出路。在那里他辛勤劳作,一年后他带上挣的钱回家。在途经一小镇休息时,因担心劫匪出没,他把钱埋在了一个看似废弃的房子里。不幸的是,钱全被挖走了。他该如何把钱找回来呢? Many years ago, in the small Polish town of Pinchow, there lived a trader named Leib. He worked h