近年来,江苏 省兴化市农村信用 社紧贴地方经济发 展特色,围绕服务 “三农”主题,大力 推行《农户贷款 证》、《客户一证通》 等创新支农方式, 不断加大了对农村 经济发展的有效投 入,促进了“富民” 与“强社”两大目标 的同步实现。截至 2001年6月末,全 辖各项贷
In recent years, Xinghua City, Jiangsu Province, rural credit cooperatives close to the local economic development characteristics, focus on serving the “three rural” theme, vigorously promote the “farmers Loan Card”, “Customer One Card” and other innovative forms of agriculture, increasing Effective investment in rural economic development has promoted the simultaneous realization of the two objectives of “enriching the people and strengthening the society”. As of the end of June 2001, it administered all loans