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国家新闻出版署,中华全国报业协会于4月27日至29日,在河南洛阳联合召开了全国报社内部管理体制改革研讨会。来自全国27家中央,省市等报纸的社长,副社长、总编、副总编,经理、副经理,以及中宣部、中组部,人事部、中央政治体制改革研究室等部门的代表,参加了会议。国家新闻出版署副署长王强华也参加了会议。会议由全国报协会长、人民日报副总编辑保育钧主持。会上,各报社代表结合自己报社这几年来内部体制改革的经验和体会,畅所欲言地就报社内部管理体制如何适应新闻改革的新情况,如何适应社会主义有计划商品经济日益发展的需要,作了认真的、深入的探讨。为了让读者了解讨论情况,更好地把这一问题的研究推向前进,本科从会上众多的发言中选断了两篇,摘要刊登如下。——编者 The State Press and Publication Administration and the All-China Press Association jointly held a seminar on the reform of the internal management system of newspapers throughout the country from April 27 to 29 in Luoyang, Henan. The presidents, vice presidents, chief editors, deputy chief editors, managers and deputy managers from 27 central, provincial and municipal newspapers and other departments throughout the country, as well as the Central Propaganda Department, the Central Organization Department, the Ministry of Personnel, and the Central Political System Reform Research Office Representatives attended the meeting. Wang Qianghua, deputy director of the State Press and Publication Administration, also attended the meeting. The meeting was presided over by Bao Baojun, president of National News Association and vice chief editor of People’s Daily. At the meeting, representatives of newspaper offices combined with the experience and experience of internal newspaper system reform in the past few years, they freely expressed their opinions on how the newspaper’s internal management system should be adapted to the new situation of news reform and how to meet the needs of the increasingly planned socialist economy. Serious, in-depth discussion. In order to let readers know about the discussion and push forward the research on this issue better, the undergraduate selected two articles from a large number of speeches at the meeting. The abstract is published as follows. --editor
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