我县从1990年开始搞早熟马铃薯与葵花间作,1990和1991两年累计推广面积50余亩,葵花单产500公斤,马铃薯单产1500公斤。根据实践经验,突出抓了以下几项技术措施。1 农田耕作及施肥、浇水选择种植葵花、马铃薯有3年以上的轮作地块,秋天深耕,疏松土壤,提高保水保肥能力。春翻地前亩施农家肥2000公斤、磷肥25公斤、碳铵50公斤.一次性施入。春整畦,畦宽2米,埂宽0.3米,高0.15~0.2米。有条件的地方视土壤墒情,搞冬汇或春浇,春浇在4月中旬结束。2 选种及种子处理
From 1990, our county began to make premature potato and sunflower intercropping. In 1990 and 1991, the total area of more than 50 acres was popularized. The output of sunflower reached 500 kilograms and that of potato was 1500 kilograms. According to practical experience, highlighting the following technical measures. 1 Farmland farming and fertilization, watering Choose planting sunflower, potatoes have more than 3 years of rotation plot, deep plowing in autumn, soil loosening, improve water retention ability. Spring before turning to acres of farmyard 2000 kg, 25 kg of phosphate fertilizer, ammonium bicarbonate 50 kg. Spring whole 畦, 畦 wide 2 meters, 埂 wide 0.3 meters, 0.15 to 0.2 meters high. Depending on the soil conditions of soil moisture, engage in winter or spring water, spring poured in mid-April the end. 2 seed selection and seed treatment