Historical melting pot

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  ChinAfrica presents selected Chinese cities with a brief introduction about what makes them interesting, and what makes them tick
  URUMQI, the capital of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in northwest China, has a significant population of ethnic minorities. There are two major groups in the city – the Han and the Uygur–but Urumqi is also home to Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Mongols and Hui Muslims. The strong colorful ethnic lifestyles and local customs are quite attractive to visitors taking in the city’s traditional architecture, food, clothing and festivals.
  A green-blanketed oasis amidst Xinjiang’s barren and uninhabited deserts, loess highlands and the snowcapped peaks of the region’s Tianshan Mountain, Urumqi’s climate is extremely arid due to long periods of sunlight and little precipitation. Temperatures in the city range widely from day to night. Its spring and autumn seasons are short, while winter and summer are long. Although the winter is harsh, Urumqi’s climate is pleasant during the summer, with warm days and cool evenings. May to October is the best period in which to travel to the city; flowers are in full bloom and fruit, such as melons, are ripe with fragrance.
  The city was once an important stop along the ancient Silk Road leading to Central Asia and even as far as europe. For travelers, local highlights include the Uygur Regional Museum with ancient Caucasian artifacts and mummies, and the Xinjiang Silk Road Museum. There is much for visitors to learn about the Silk Road and the region’s history.
  Scenic attractions near Urumqi include Tianchi Lake, which is east of Urumqi, on Bogda Mountain, at an elevation level of about 2,000 meters. Rugged pine and cypress trees surround the beautiful highland lake, whose clear waters reflect the surrounding mountains. For some hiking and lowland scenery, there is a grass-covered mountain area called South Pasture about two hours drive south of Urumqi.
  The “Big Bazaar,” a traditional Islamic market area and the main Uygur enclave in Urumqi’s downtown, is definitely worth a visit in the evening. nightlife in Urumqi provides a multitude of choices, ranging from ethnic song-and-dance shows to tasting local delicacies at the bazaar’s night market. Shopping here is a pleasant experience. Bargain hunting for handmade souvenirs such as rugs, carpets, Uygur-style hats, sweaters, hand-woven embroideries and jade carvings will definitely draw intense interest from travelers of all stripes.
  Local food is generally like Lanzhou-style food(lots of wheat products, including hand-pulled noodles). They also eat more dairy products. A typical breakfast might be bread and tea with yoghurt, almonds, olives, honey and raisins. Xinjiang is famous for the quality of its fruits, nuts and vegetables. Their big nutty fruitcakes are welcomed products all over China.
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