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盛夏时节的广西壮族自治区,苍翠满目,大地浓绿如茵。南临北部湾的滨海地带,更是瑰丽多姿。在海与岸交接处,浪飞涛鸣。在广西1600公里的海岸线,形成一道道白色的曲线。在漫长的海上滩涂,生长着近六千公顷由红树科的秋茄、红海榄、木榄;马鞭草科的白骨壤;紫金牛科的桐花树;大戟科的海漆等树种组成的海上红树林,形成了一处处奇特的生态奇观,充满着神奇与幻梦。为目睹海上森林的魅力,我们从与广东省接壤的东部的英罗港开始,到中国海岸线最西南端与越南交界的北仑河口,进行了一次难忘的海上森林漫游。 Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in midsummer, green everywhere, the earth is green. South Coast of the North Bay area, it is magnificent and colorful. At the junction of the sea and shore, waves fly Tao Ming. 1,600 km in Guangxi coastline, forming a white curve. In the long beach at sea, the growth of nearly 6,000 hectares from the mangroves branch of the candel, Rhododendron, Plumeria; Verbenaceae Aviculare; Mangrove at sea, forming a strange ecological wonders everywhere, full of magic and dreams. In order to witness the charm of the sea forests, we conducted an unforgettable sea forest roaming from the port of Yilu in the east bordering Guangdong to the Beilun estuary at the southwestern tip of China’s coastline to Vietnam.
【正】 Sinopec Group,China’s largest petrochemi-cal manufacturer,with its majority businessunder its subsidiary - China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation(Sinope
5月12日下午14时28分,四川汶川发生8.0级地震,地动山摇,数以万计的鲜活生命被瞬间吞没,给灾区的同胞造成了难以估量的生命财产损失和精神创伤。 At 14:28 on May 12, an 8.0
The Standing Conference of the State Council sponsored by Premier Wen Jiabao on June 11th examined and passed in principle the State Science and Technology Maj
PetroChina Company Limited (PetroChina) signed on June 19th with Qatar Petroleum International (QPI),and Shell (China) Limited,a Letter of Intent (LOI) to comm
磁带备份一直是对大容量数据实现安全备份的有效方式,按照记录方式的不同可以分为数据流磁带机和螺旋扫描磁带机。DLT(数字线性磁带)属于前者,他源于1/2英寸磁带机。DLT 是