Fabrication of ZnO Nanoneedle/nanocolumn Composite Films and Annealing Induced Improvement in Their

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wfn031641lpp
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ZnO nanoneedle/nanocolumn (NN/NC) composite films were grown via reactive electron beam evaporation (REBE) in the NH3/H2 gaseous mixture by using polycrystalline ZnO ceramic targets as source materials. The growth was performed at low substrate temperatures (450-500℃) without employing any metallic catalysts. As-prepared samples were then rapidly annealed in O2 ambient at a higher temperature (600℃). Electron microscopic observations revealed the typical composite-structured morphologies of NN/NC/substrate of ZnO nanomaterials grown at 500℃. Such unique morphologies should render potential applications, for instance, as an efficient microwave absorption material utilized in the fabrication of concealed aerostat. In addition, X-ray diffraction and photoluminescence measurements showed remarkable improvement in crystal and optical qualities of ZnO NN/NC composite films after annealing. ZnO nanoneedle / nanocolumn (NN / NC) composite films were grown via reactive electron beam evaporation (REBE) in the NH3 / H2 gaseous mixture by using polycrystalline ZnO ceramic targets as source materials. The growth was performed at low substrate temperatures ° C) without employing any metallic catalysts. As-prepared samples were then rapidly annealed in O2 ambient at a higher temperature (600 ° C). Electron microscopic observations revealed the typical composite-structured morphologies of NN / NC / substrate of ZnO nanomaterials grown at 500 Such unique morphologies should render potential applications, for instance, as an efficient microwave absorption material utilized in the fabrication of concealed aerostats. In addition, X-ray diffraction and photoluminescence measurements showed remarkable improvement in crystal and optical qualities of ZnO NN / NC composite films after annealing.
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