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有一个流传甚广以至于有点老套的类比,说的是假设存在时间隧道,让100多年前的医生穿越到今天的手术室,他很难想象得出这是在医院,而让100多年前的教师置身于今天的教室,他八成推断得出还是在学校。由于当代科技的限制,我们无法对此进行验证,但环顾今天的学校,我们实际上也不难看出在信息技术高度普及的今天,教室中依然延续着一样的师生授受,如果非要说什么变化,也许就是演示文稿将大多数教师从黑板板书中解放了出来。今天,信息技术已经证明了它在各个领域的变革力量,因此,我们也有理由对它的教育应用潜力抱有 There is an analogy that is so widespread as to be a little old-fashioned that the assumption is that there is a tunnel of time to allow a doctor more than 100 years ago to cross into the operating room today. It is hard to imagine that this was in the hospital, Of teachers in today’s classroom, he concluded that 80% still in school. Due to the limitations of contemporary science and technology, we can not verify this. However, looking at today’s schools, it is not hard for us to see that today’s classrooms continue to have the same grant of teachers and students if we have to say anything. Changes, perhaps the presentation liberated most teachers from the blackboard book. Today, information technology has demonstrated its power to transform in all areas, so we also have reason to believe that its educational potential
<正> 多年来,本人妇科临证所见因宫寒不孕者颇多,而宫寒不孕,又多以冲任二脉受病使然。现将诊治此病的一得之见,简介如下:张景岳说:“凡血寒者,经水后期而至。”可见“血寒”
<正> 近年来,随着中医男科研究的蓬勃兴起,男性不育症的中医治疗取得了可喜的成绩.本文仅就1987~1990年间有关文献资料作一综述.一、对病因病机的认识1.肾虚致病:肝藏精,主生
<正> 男性不育原因复杂,治法颇多,笔者以痰饮学说为指导,在辨证施治的基础上,分别采用了“益气”、“温阳”、“利气”、“消瘀”、“清热”、“泄火”、“凉血”、“滋阴”