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对联是中华文明的精神财富之一,是中国的一种特殊文学形式。从古至今,在文人雅士和劳动人民之中流传下来的大量对联中,有不少反腐倡廉的对联故事。现摘录一二,供读者赏析:章炳麟为慈禧“祝寿”联慈禧太后系清朝咸丰帝之妃。1861年咸丰帝死后,其6岁之子载淳继位,是为同治皇帝。同治帝尊慈禧为太后。慈禧与恭亲王定计杀死了几位摄政大臣后,实行垂帘听政。1875年同治帝死,她又立5岁的载淞为光绪帝,继续垂帘听政。慈禧太后执政后,对内镇压人民的反抗,对外妥协投降,丧权辱国,割地赔款,人民恨之入骨。1904年,慈禧过70岁生日,有人送去一副寿联:一人有庆;万寿无疆。民主革命家章炳麟看后,便反拟了一副寿联:今日到南苑,明日到北海,何日再到古长安?叹黎民膏血全枯,只为一人歌庆有;五十割硫球,六十割台湾,而今又割东三省。痛赤县邦圻益蹙,每逢万寿祝疆无。 Couplet is one of the spiritual wealth of Chinese civilization, is a special form of Chinese literature. Since ancient times, among a large number of couplets handed down among literati and working people, there are quite a few storytellers who oppose corruption and promote clean government. The excerpt is now one or two, for readers to Appreciation: Zhang Binglin for Empress “birthday ” Empress Dowager Cixi Empress Dowager Xianfeng imperial concubine. After Xianfeng died in 1861, his 6-year-old son Chun Chunji was the emperor of Tongzhi. Emperor Tongzhi Empress Empress Dowager. Empress and Prince Kung set to kill a few Regent Ministers, the implementation of the curtain to listen to politics. Emperor Tongzhi died in 1875, and she set up a 5-year-old song as the Emperor Guangxu, continuing to drop curtains to hear the government. After the Empress Dowager Cixi came to power, the internal repression of the resistance of the people, the compromise and surrender of the foreign countries, the humiliation and dishonor over the country, and the cessation of indemnity, the people hated it. In 1904, Empress over 70th birthday, someone sent a couplet: one has a celebration; Wanshouwujiang. After Zhang Binglin, a democratic revolutionary, looked at it, he turned to a couplet: today’s visit to Nanyuan, tomorrow’s visit to Beihai, and then to Chang’an Chang’an? Sixty-cut Taiwan, and now cut the eastern three provinces. Pain Red County state benefits, every wish Wanshou no.
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