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为评估隧道发生火灾时人员疏散安全,有必要准确计算隧道人员疏散时间。传统经验公式法的假设条件过于简单,而现有仿真模拟方法不能准确地模拟人的复杂行为。建立改进的经验公式法,通过随机输入计算参数来模拟隧道人员疏散的动态随机过程,将疏散时间计算分解为多个阶段,并考虑车辆及人员的随机分布、火灾探测及人员反应时间的计算、大客车乘客下车时间、人行速度的随机输入、以及随人流密度变化的横洞门通行能力等,使计算所得疏散时间更贴近实际。与其余方法对比分析表明,采用改进的经验公式法得到的计算结果与传统经验公式计算方法相比,计算精度有较大提高。 In order to assess the safety of personnel evacuation in the event of a fire in a tunnel, it is necessary to accurately calculate the evacuation time of the tunnel personnel. The traditional empirical formula method's assumptions are too simple, but the existing simulation methods can not accurately simulate the complex behavior of people. The improved empirical formula method is adopted to simulate the dynamic random process of evacuation of tunnel personnel by randomly inputting the calculation parameters. The evacuation time calculation is decomposed into multiple phases, and the random distribution of vehicles and personnel, the detection of fires and the calculation of staff reaction time are considered, Bus passengers get off time, the random input speed of the pedestrians, as well as changes with the flow of people Hengtong Gate traffic capacity, the calculated evacuation time closer to reality. Compared with the other methods, the results show that the calculated results obtained by using the improved empirical formula method are more accurate than the traditional empirical formula method.
In Ref.[1],we present a relation matrix description of temporal relation constraints.This pa-per is a sequel of [1].Given a set of temporal relation and time d
本文在调查统计的基础上,给出了光学系统生产成本计算公式及主要数表,用FORTRAN语言编制了计算程序,并举例证明了公式和程序的正确性与实用性. On the basis of investigati
This paper presents a necessary condition for a belief function to be a separable support function,and ne-cessary and sufficient conditions for a belief functi