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文化艺术出版社编审,中国书画家联谊会副会长张重梅先生在他七十岁寿辰之际在中国美术馆举办了书画篆刻个展,展出他50—90年代作品108件。美术界知名人士胡累青,廖静文及在京美术批评家300多人出席了开幕式及研讨会。张重梅一生不慕名利,痴爱艺术,执著坚韧,默默耕耘,厚积广发,浴芳沐芬,在绘画,书法,篆刻等领域都取得了令人瞩目的成就。他的人品和艺品受到大家的一致称赞。张重梅,原名崇美,河南内黄人。1928年出生于书香门第之家。自幼勤奋好学,于诗文之外,尤爱丹青。初拜李剑晨、陈景植为师学习传统书画,后入高级师范再攻西洋绘画,打下坚实的基础。自五十年代起,追随徐悲鸿、陈半丁等名师,几十年来,历尽人间沧桑,仍笔耕不辍,诗文书画篆刻及著述多有问世。其书,以楷入手,转而扩及隶、篆、行、平,四体皆工,以行草最为人们称道。其画长于写意人物,山水,花鸟均通。人物画,多取材于历史、故事,像昭君出塞,文姬归汉,苏武牧羊,虎门销烟等,都无不透露出画家拳拳爱国之心和浩然正气。张重梅善于用典,常常借助历史传说和民间故事,将人物和山水,花鸟溶于一个画面,收到情景交融相得益彰的艺术效果。1986年,张重梅在洛阳举办牡丹专题画展,根据历史记载和传 At the time of his seventieth birthday, Zhang Chongmei, vice president of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, organized a series of paintings and calligraphy and seal cutting solo exhibitions at the China Art Museum and exhibited 108 works of his 50 to 90 years. More than 300 art critics Hu Leiqing, Liao Jingwen and art critics in Beijing attended the opening ceremony and the seminar. Zhang Zhongmei did not want to be fame and fortune for his life. He loved art, clinging to perseverance, silently cultivating his talents, and made remarkable achievements in such fields as painting, calligraphy and seal cutting. His character and art are unanimously praised by everyone. Zhangmei Mei, formerly known as Chong Mei, Henan yellow. Born in 1928 in the first family of scholarly. Since childhood, studious, in poetry, especially love Danqing. Early worship Li Jianchen, Chen Jing-sik for the teacher to learn traditional calligraphy and painting, after the senior teacher to attack Western painting, lay a solid foundation. Since the 1950s, following the masters such as Xu Beihong and Chen Banding, over the past decades, they have gone through all the vicissitudes of life in the world and are still struggling with their pens. His book, Kai started, but expanded to Li, Zhuan, Xing, Ping, four-body all work, the most people praised the line of grass. The painting is longer than the freehand characters, landscapes, flowers and birds pass. Figure painting, and more based on historical stories, such as Zhaojun plug, Wen Ji to Han, Su Wu Shepherd, Humen cigarettes, are all revealing the painter patriotic heart and noble spirit. Zhang Zhongmei is good at dictionaries, often with historical legends and folk stories, the figures and landscapes, birds and flowers dissolved in a picture, received the blending of scenes complement each other’s artistic effect. In 1986, Zhang Zhongmei held a special exhibition of peony paintings in Luoyang, according to historical records and biography
【摘 要】运用文献资料、理性分析等方法对探究性学习的概念与内涵以及其在数学课堂教学中应用的背景和意义等进行了深入的阐释,在此基础上,提出了在数学课堂教学实践中进行探究性学习的策略:(1)引导探究,创设问题情境;(2)开放探究,提倡层次教学; (3)动态探究,延伸课堂内外;(4)自主探究,进入数学乐园。以期改进与完善数学教学,让数学课堂焕发生命活力。  【关键词】探究性学习;数学课堂;应用策略  在
目的 研究尿酸与T2DM患者心血管疾病危险因素的关系.方法 回顾性收集本院内分泌科T2DM患者321例,分析T2DM患者尿酸水平(HUA组和NUA组)对心血管危险因素的影响.结果 T2DM患者3