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盐池县共有公民办小学492所,其中民办小学就有388所,占全县小学总数的79%。近几年来本县教育事业发展速度比较快,特别是能够在地域辽阔、居住分散的山区县里领先一步基本扫除文盲、普及初等教育,如果没有这些民办学校,是不可能的。但由于管理不善,民办学校越办越困难,有些地方已经出现了民办学校无人过问的现象。民办学校究竟如何办,怎么管理,是值得探讨的一个问题。为此,我们调查了我县大水坑镇牛皮沟自然村的民办学校“兴衰”史,从中得到了启示。 当初,牛皮沟自然村根据附近几个村庄人口比较多,又加石油队有一部分人驻扎在那里,学生也需要就近上学的情况,办起了一所民办五年制学校,有教师6名,学生120多名。学校刚办起来时,由于当地群众办学积极性比较高,加之石油队资助、扶持,学校办得还像个样子。可是好景不长,后来石油队撤走,断了一部分财源;调整后的校领导责任心不强,学校景象一天不如一天,教学质量不断下降。当地群众看到学校成了这个样子,办学积极性也越来越差。到1988年,这个学校的四五年级学生不声不响地跑到十几里路外的行政村学校上学,生 Yanchi County has a total of 492 primary schools run by citizens, including 388 private primary schools, accounting for 79% of the total number of primary schools in the county. In recent years, the development of education in this county has been relatively rapid. In particular, it is possible to advance the basic elimination of illiteracy and universal primary education in a vast area and scattered mountainous counties. Without these private schools, it is impossible. However, due to poor management, private schools are becoming more and more difficult. In some places, there has been a phenomenon that private schools have never been asked. How to run private schools and how to manage them is a question that is worth exploring. To this end, we have investigated the history of the “rise and fall” of private schools in the Gurogou Natural Village of Dashuikeng Town in our county, and gained inspiration from it. At the beginning, Niugou Natural Village was based on the population of several nearby villages. Some of the oil teams were also stationed there. Students also needed to go to school. They set up a private five-year school with 6 teachers and students. More than 120 people. When the school was just established, due to the relatively high enthusiasm of the local people for running a school, and with the support and support of the oil team, the school also managed to look like one. But the good times did not last long. Later, the oil team evacuated, and some of the financial resources were cut off. After the adjustment, the school leaders were not responsible enough. The school scene was not as good as one day, and the quality of teaching continued to decline. The local people saw the school become like this, and the enthusiasm for running a school is getting worse. By 1988, the 4th and 5th graders of the school had quietly ran to the administrative village school more than ten miles away to attend school.
最近,当有记者问杨詠沂副省长,我省目前在稳定中小学教师队伍方面有哪些措施的时候,杨副省长作了如下回答: 一、教育部门办的中小学、幼儿园公办教师,凡政策规定的补贴和奖
中国机械电子兵器船舶工业档案学会(以下简称学会)第三届五次常务理事会议于1月14日在北京召开。会议由理事长于清笈主持,名誉理事长贾成炳到 China Machinery and Electron