
来源 :武汉水利电力学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pjp4057
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我院根据湖北省关于在上山下乡和回乡知识青年中试办业余函授的意见,于一九七五年五月在恩施地区建始县筹备开办《农村电工及小型水电站》函授班,同年十月四日开学,到七七年元月结业,学习历时一年另三个半月。函授班共招收学员510名,分为45个函授点,分布在全县19个公社及10个县直单位。县水电科指派专人担任函授班行政领导工作。我院参加此项工作的干部、教师先后共达21人次。函授班的学习方式采取自学为主。其间进行了两次骨干学员的集中面授,通过骨干学员回去辅导一般学员开展学习。此外,教师还到一些学习点上去巡回辅导、集中答疑。同时,还印发学习辅导材料,帮助学员开展自学。为了给函授班学员培养兼职辅导教师,还配合县文教科对该县各中学的40名专业课教师,开办了短训班,使他们担任所在公社函授点的兼职教师,辅导函授班学员自学。通过这次举办函授,为建始县培养了一批小水电站技术队伍,对发展该县小水电建设及提高巳建电站的运行管理水平,起到一定积极作用。参加这项工作的教师,也在同贫下中农接触中受到了教育,在思想上、业务上有所收获。下面摘登几篇函授学员的来稿。 In accordance with the Hubei Provincial Government’s opinion on the establishment of a trial of an amateur correspondence program among the intellectual youths who went to the countryside and returned to the rural areas, the Institute organized a correspondence class for rural electricians and small hydropower stations in Jianshi County, Enshi Prefecture in May 1975. The school starts on the 4th of the month and finishes its business in January 2007. It lasts for another three and a half months. The correspondence class has recruited 510 students, divided into 45 correspondence points, distributed in 19 communes and 10 county units in the county. The county hydropower department assigned special personnel to serve as the administrative leadership of correspondence classes. The number of cadres and teachers who participated in this work in our hospital reached 21 in total. The learning methods of correspondence classes are mainly self-study. During this period, two key students were given a concentrated face-to-face instruction. Through the backbone students, they went back to coach general trainees to carry out their studies. In addition, the teachers also went to some learning points to go for counselling and concentrate their questions. At the same time, it also issued learning guidance materials to help trainees self-study. In order to train post-training trainees to train part-time tutors, they also cooperated with the county’s cultural and pedagogical departments to provide 40 short-term training classes for the teachers of each county’s middle schools to enable them to serve as part-time teachers in the commune’s correspondence school and to provide guidance to self-study students. By organizing correspondence this time, a number of small hydropower station technical teams have been trained for Jianshi County, which has played a positive role in the development of the small hydropower construction in the county and in the improvement of the operation and management of the Yujian Power Station. The teachers who participated in this work have also been educated in contact with the poor and middle-income farmers. They have gained ideologically and operationally. The following is a list of the correspondence of several correspondence students.
一九七三年十月二十五日至十一月四日国家计委地质局在山东省德州市召开了新产品试制经验交流会议。全国地质系统有六十三个单位的一百三十一名代表参加了这次会 From Octob