
来源 :Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenchen0513
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Objective:The aim of this study was to investigate the mechanism,clinical manifestations,prevention and treatment measures of allergic reactions caused by oxaliplatin.Methods:Made detailed data about allergic reactions to oxaliplatin from 10 patients in our department,and made analysis and discussions about it while referring to related reference.Results:All the 10 patients had no history of allergies,4 cases of allergies occurred during the course of multi-cycle chemotherapy,and 6 cases occurred on the first time of drug administration,whose allergic symptoms were present in the process of using oxaliplatin,with the infusion time from 10 to 25 min.When relevant treatments such as drug withdrawal,hormone,intravenous calcium gluconate and magnesium sulfate were done to the patients,related symptoms could be soon relieved.Conclusion:Mechanisms of oxaliplatin allergic are still unclear.Applying calcium and magnesium may reduce the risk of neurotoxicity and reduce the degree of allergic reactions before administration of oxaliplatin. Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the mechanism, clinical manifestations, prevention and treatment measures of allergic reactions caused by oxaliplatin. Methods: Made detailed data about allergic reactions to oxaliplatin from 10 patients in our department, and made analysis and discussions about it while referring to related reference. Results: All the 10 patients had no history of allergies, 4 cases of allergies occurred during the course of multi-cycle chemotherapy, and 6 cases occurred on the first time of drug administration, whose allergic symptoms were present in the process of using oxaliplatin, with the infusion time from 10 to 25 min .When relevant treatments such as drug withdrawal, hormone, intravenous calcium gluconate and magnesium sulfate were done to the patients, related symptoms could be soon relieved. Confusion: Mechanisms of Oxaliplatin allergic are still unclear .Applying calcium and magnesium may reduce the risk of neurotoxicity and reduce the degree of allergic re actions before administration of oxaliplatin.
摘 要:20世纪初至今,虽然政治体制、经济水平和社会制度截然不同,但主要发达经济体和新兴市场国家的收入不平等情况都经历了“下降—攀升”的变化过程。20世纪80年代以来,美国经济增长显著快于欧盟,但其收入不平等恶化程度却较欧盟更为严重。两个经济体收入不平等与经济增长的背离表明,仅靠经济增长难以自动解决发达国家的收入不平等问题,不同的政策选择和制度变迁可能是收入不平等的驱动因素之一。  关键词:经济增