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西瓜花叶病俗称疯秧子 ,在我国各西瓜产区都有发生 ,近几年已成为西瓜产地普遍发生的一种重要病害 ,严重影响西瓜的高产、稳产、优质和高效益。 1999年广西南宁、百色等地春西瓜花叶病大暴发 ,造成大面积减产甚至绝产 ,损失惨重。为了继续搞好西瓜生产 ,做好防病工作 ,现将该病 Watermelon mosaic disease commonly known as crazy seedlings, watermelon producing areas in our country have occurred in recent years has become a common occurrence of watermelon diseases, seriously affecting the high yield, stable yield, high quality and high efficiency. 1999 Guangxi Nanning, Bose and other large spring melon mosaic outbreaks, resulting in large-scale production or even cut the absolute loss, suffered heavy losses. In order to continue to do a good job of watermelon production, good prevention work, now the disease
目的 调查绝经后女性身体情况及生活方式,统计骨质疏松症发病率,并分析引发该病的主要因素,以期为早期防治绝经后骨质疏松症提供理论依据.方法 选取2018年2月-2020年2月在该
  Objective:To discuss microsurgical strategies,options and surgical indications for far-lateral lumbar disc herniation between three different microsurgical
噬血细胞综合征(hemophagocytic syndrome,HPS)是一组由原发或继发因素导致免疫系统异常激活而引发的多器官过度炎性反应的临床综合征,组织学特征为组织细胞/巨噬细胞过度增
  Objective:To investigate the diagnosis and the surgical method of ossification of ligamentum flavum(OLF) in the thoracic spine.Methods:The removal of poster
  Objectives:The author reviewed 43 patients who had undergone anterior decompression and fusion for cervical myeloradiculopathy secondary to ossification of
【摘 要】随着民航业的高速发展,航班量的逐渐增加,航空事故也不断提升。而跑道侵入又是影響航空安全的一个重大因素。它通常伴随处置时间短,事件突发性强,影响恶劣等特点。所以防止跑道侵入就是我们平时工作的重中之重。  【关键词】跑道侵入;预防措施  跑道安全事故在民用航空事故中占有很大比例。自1995年至2009年间,民用航空器在全球范围内发生事故总计1508起,其中因跑道安全问题造成的事故457起,占
  Objective:To analyse the reasons of subsidence of the mesh and to estimate its sequent influence on cervical curve and clinical result after anterior cervic
姓名:王电甜性别:女年龄:14岁星座:射手座就读学校:江苏省江阴市暨阳中学性格:外表安静腼腆,内心蓬勃冲动,有极强的征服欲,对未来深具信心。爱好:除写作外,最爱对着一棵树 Name: Wang e
  Background context:The surgical management of patients with severe cervical spondylotic myelopathy remains controversial.Although most cervical spondylotic