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  Known as the City of Sails, delightful Auckland, New Zealand, is surrounded by the blue Pacific. An awe-inspiring[使人惊叹的] harbour and lively waterfront provide a welcoming atmosphere[气氛] for a visit to this scenic city and its intriguing[引起兴趣的] surroundings.
  Auckland is young by comparison with European
  cities. Archaeological[考古学的] evidence is most evident
  along coastlines and harbours, giving credence[证实]
  to the theory that the Maoris注1 were the earliest settlers. They arrived in canoes from other parts of Polynesia注2,
  probably around 800 AD. A thousand years later Europeans
  appeared on the scene. And in 1840, a treaty – considered
  New Zealand’s founding document – promised
  protection of Maori land if the Maori acknowledged British
  sovereignty[主权]. As was so often the case with European annexation[吞并] of native lands, this lead to misunderstandings, conflicts and skirmishes[小冲突] that resulted in Maori land being confiscated[没收,征用]. The ramifi-
  cations[结果,分支] of this period in history are still being sorted out. Today Auckland blossoms socially and economically, and is known as a city that champions[支持] women’s rights and disdains[鄙弃] the use of nuclear power. It is the fastest-growing city in New Zealand.
  New Zealand spreads across two beautiful islands with Auckland, its largest city, set on an isthmus[地峡] on the western coast of the North Island. One of its most
  famous landmarks is Mount Eden. As the highest volcano in the isthmus, it provides spectacular overviews of the city and Waitemata Harbour.
  Another lofty[高耸的] vantage point[有利位置], visible from almost everywhere in Auckland, is the dramatic Sky Tower,
  the tallest structure in the southern hemisphere. An
  elevator whisks[突然移动] guests to the top in 40 seconds, where on a windy day the tower will sway as much as three feet.
  In the heart of Auckland’s downtown waterfront area, the New Zealand National Maritime[海事的] Museum offers 14 galleries that showcase the country’s maritime history, as well as vintage[老式的] steam and sail vessels to explore.
  With spectacular views of the harbour, the War
  Memorial Museum is considered one of the finest
  museums in the southern hemisphere. It tells the story of New Zealand’s history and holds significant collections of Maori and Pacific island treasures, as well as examples of flora[植物群] and fauna[动物群] unique to this island country. At the museum, visitors can immediately get a historical perspective[看法] on Auckland. A Maori performance group presents songs, dances and a weaponry display typical of the culture that established New Zealand’s ancient roots. The War Museum stands at the highest point of the
  Auckland Domain[领地]. This is the city’s oldest park,
  developed around the cone of an extinct volcano.
  One of Auckland’s most popular attractions, Kelly Tarlton’s Underwater World, takes guests under the city’s waterfront to see creatures of the deep. A
  spectacular transparent underwater tunnel puts visitors face-to-face with sharks, stingrays[刺鳐] and other marine creatures.
  Part of the Kelly Tarlton experience includes the Antarctic Encounter, where visitors are taken back in time to a life-size replica[复制品] of the hut of intrepid[无畏的]
  South Pole explorer, Captain Robert Falcon Scott注3. From the vantage point of an Antarctic snowcat[雪地履带式车辆],
  guests get a fish-eye view of a colony[(生物)群体] of
  sub-Antarctic penguins as they swim underwater.
  Just west of downtown, the Auckland Zoo provides a look at land-based creatures. They include those
  native to New Zealand, as well as animals from the far corners of the world.
  Auckland’s stylish Parnell neighbourhood is a shopper’s paradise. A stroll[漫步] through its quaint boutique[时装精品店] and gallery-lined streets reveals that this is Auckland’s oldest suburb, with many excellent examples of 19th century architecture[建筑].
  Once outside of Auckland, the immense[广大的]
  beauty of New Zealand’s green, rolling countryside is almost overwhelming[无法抵抗的]. Sheep graze[吃草]
  peacefully, waiting to submit[使听从] to the annual spring shearing[剪羊毛] that is a part of New Zealand tradition. The sheep are nudged[轻推] from pasture[牧场]
  to pasture and into corrals[畜栏] for shearing by
  enthusiastic sheep dogs. These special dogs are bred with an amazing herding[把……赶在一块] instinct that is enhanced by training from their owners. The
  canny[精明的] canines[犬科动物] respond to hand signals and voice commands to bring their charges safely in.
  Two and a half hours south of Auckland, the
  Waitomo Glowworm[萤火虫] Caves unquestionably
  offer one of the most unusual experiences in the world. This subterranean[地表下的] wonderland is an ancient underground labyrinth[迷宫] of limestone[石灰石]
  caves and grottoes[岩穴]. Millions of insects in the
  larval[幼虫的] stage attach themselves to the roof of the cave, then emit[发出] a soft light to attract other insects for food. The awe-inspiring effect is that of a starry night.
  Birdwatchers won’t want to miss a trip to the
  Gannet[塘鹅] Colony, where hundreds of the black and white birds roost[栖息] and lay their eggs. Viewing
  platforms provide a good look at the sleek[毛发光滑的] birds while keeping visitors at a safe distance.
  For those who want to get a bit closer to the lovely shoreline surrounding Auckland, there are off-shore
  islands and secluded[隐蔽的] beaches that seem designed for your outdoor enjoyment. These impressive natural
  attractions join the casual sophistication[混合] of Auckland itself to make the perfect destination for any traveller.
  With beautiful beaches, enchanting[迷人的] nearby islands, hiking trails, outstanding food and wine and
  fascinating native heritage, Auckland offers up a non-stop array of pleasurable pursuits[活动,事务].
  注3:罗伯特·法尔肯·斯科特船长(1868-1912),英国海军军官,常被称作“南极的斯科特”(Scott of the Antarctic)。为了成为到达南极的第一人,他曾两次远征南极。1912年,他和远征队一起到达南极,比挪威探险家罗尔德·阿蒙森(Roald Amundsen)稍晚,但斯科特及其队友在归途中全部遇难。他的探险日记于一年后被人发现,其中记载了那场可怕的旅途经历。
目的 研究子宫颈癌前病变患者宫颈局部治疗与切除性治疗2种模式,比较不同治疗方式对转归及临床治疗效果造成的影响.方法 选择2014年2月至2017年2月我院治疗子宫颈癌前病变患
目的 分析探究无创呼吸机早期治疗和延迟治疗急性左心衰竭合并Ⅱ型呼吸衰竭的临床效果比较.方法 选取2016年1月——2017年5月收治住院的急性左心衰竭合并Ⅱ型呼吸衰竭的患者1
目的 探讨脑梗塞患者血同型半胱氨酸(Hcy)水平及其相关因素.方法 选取2016年12月至2017年11月我院收治的脑梗塞患者360例作为脑梗塞组,选取同期我院健康体检者360例作为正常
从理论上给出了具有存储特性的 MNOS电容在存储电荷后经受γ射线辐照的响应规律 ,并利用这一特性制作电子辐照吸收剂量计。采用 L PCVD工艺制作了具有存储特性的 MNOS电容 ,
目的 研究在锁骨中段重度粉碎性骨折治疗中采取重建钢板内固定的临床效果.方法 选取2016年5月至2017年5月收治的16例锁骨中段重度粉碎性骨折患者,分成参照组及实验组,采取重
目的 对血清生化指标以及凝血酶原时间在妊娠肝病患者中的应用价值进行检测.方法 研究参与对象为50例妊娠肝病患者,均为我院2016年1月份到2017年12月份收治,设为实验组;同期