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最近,7303厂汽车分厂铜江片区,人们面带喜色边看边评论停在车场上的一种新开发的轻型加长平头汽车,车型号为:TJX1042LP,名称:铜江轻型加长平头柴油农用车。领导和职工最关心的是总厂质量评审合格新消息和转入20辆生产计划。巩固提高平头型柴油农用车生产,带动加长平头型柴油农用车开发是一条好路子,归纳来起推出新车型的特色是一快二新三好。一快。年初敲定开发轻型加长平头柴油农用车的可行性技术报告快,从投料生产钣金样品到组装焊接,副总师亲临现场指挥,5位能工巧匠精心参考五十铃平头车外形裁剪,前后 Recently, 7303 factory car branch of Tongjiang Area, people with a look of color while watching a commented parked in the parking lot of a newly developed light flat long car, model: TJX1042LP, name: Tongjiang light long flat head diesel agricultural vehicles . Leaders and staff are most concerned about the quality assessment of new plant qualified and transferred into 20 production plans. Consolidate and improve the production of flat-head diesel agricultural vehicles, driven by the development of extended flat-head diesel agricultural vehicles is a good way to summarize the launch of a new model features a fast two new three. A quick. At the beginning of the year, the technical report on the feasibility of developing light and long flat-head diesel agricultural vehicles was finalized. From the batch production of sheet metal samples to the assembly welding, the deputy chief engineer went to the site to direct the work. Five skilled craftsmen made careful reference to Isuzu flat-
《汽车与配件》编辑部:1989年开始我队购入 EQ140与 CA10型的“通用后轮螺承内外螺母”(后轮毂轴承调整、锁紧螺母)30个。当时我队刚淘汰解放 CA10型车而更新东风EQ140型车,
江苏省地矿厅于 2 0 0 0年 9月 2 8日~ 2 9日在南京对南京大学地球科学系提交的《江苏省 1∶5万房村幅、双沟幅区调最终成果》组织了最终验收。参加验收的专家分别来自江苏省
Zhezkazgan copper deposit is strongly exploited since 1942. Its typical feature is multilevelmineralization. Mine’s thickness of sedimentary rock. Primary copp
According to the results of careful re-proeessing of data obtained from two GPS survey campaigns of crustal movement monitoring network in Chinese mainland carr
伯、仲脂族叠氮化物或 α-叠氮酯在 THF中依次以三甲基膦及氯甲酸酯室温反应后再水解 ,可得到氨基甲酸酯。 9例收率 84%~97%由叠氮化合物制备氨基甲酸酯@贺宝元 The primary,