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近年来,随着山区畜牧业及药品工业的迅速发展,市场对猫豆的需求量与日俱增,我局于1998~1999年对岩溶山地玉米套种猫豆高产栽培进行多点试验,获得成功。据两年6个点的测产验收,采用高产套种技术的猫豆平均单株产量达88.6克,比传统套种栽培平均单株产量的56.9克增加31.7克,增产55.7%。其关键技术措施是: 一、选植高产、抗病的品种。由于猫豆目前尚无杂交良种繁育,故每年应选择高产、无病害的常规猫豆株作留种株,并提纯大荚、长荚形、无病害的豆籽作次年留种使用。二、适时套播。适时套播是猫豆套种高产的关键。播期过早,会使猫豆与玉米争水夺肥,造成前期徒长遮荫,影响玉米产量,同时也不利于猫豆开花、座荚和结实。播种太迟,生育后期遇上秋旱而不利于花荚的形成。因此,猫豆套种应选择在6月上旬即山地中玉米扬花期播种较好。三、合理密植。猫豆茎叶繁茂,分枝多,攀缘性强,理想密度的确定应根据地形及地力而定,如采光好、肥力高的地块可适当加密,反之则适当疏播,一般中等肥力的地块种植规格以1.5×1.5尺双株穴播为宜。 In recent years, with the rapid development of livestock husbandry and pharmaceutical industry in mountainous areas, the market demand for cat bean has been increasing day by day. From 1998 to 1999, our bureau conducted a series of multi-point experiments on high-yielding cultivation of cat litter in karst mountain corn. According to the test of 6-point production in two years, the average yield of catty bean with high-yielding intercropping technology reached 88.6 grams, increased by 31.7 grams and 55.7% compared with the average yield of 56.9 grams of traditional intercropping cultivation. The key technical measures are: First, the selection of high yield, disease-resistant varieties. Because there is no crossbred cat litter breeding, so every year should choose high-yielding, disease-free conventional cat bean plant strains to stay and purify the big pods, long pods, disease-free bean seed for the next year to stay kind of use. Second, timely set of broadcast. Timely broadcast is the key to the high yield of cat bean intercropping. Early sowing, cats and corn will compete for water and fertilizer, resulting in pre-lean shading, affecting corn yield, but also not conducive to cat litter flowering, pod and strong seat. Sowing too late, late autumn when fertility is not conducive to the formation of flower pods. Therefore, cat bean intercropping should be selected early in June that mountain sowing date flowering is better. Third, reasonable close planting. Cat bean stems lush, more branches, climbing strong, the determination of the ideal density should be based on the topography and soil may be, such as lighting, fertile land plots may be properly encrypted, otherwise it is appropriate to spread, the general moderate fertility Planting specifications to 1.5 × 1.5 feet Shuang Zhuang appropriate points.
烟草霜霉病是一种毁灭性和具有异常的传播能力的外来危害性病害 ,在环境条件适宜的情况下 ,可以产生大流行 ,足以对烟草生产造成毁灭性损失。目前已经知道的霜霉病菌 (Peronosporatabacina)抗源
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在西德煤矿,由于采掘深度和产量的增加,导致井下温度升高。个别煤矿在开采深度增加200~300m 时,原岩温度可增加8~12℃。鲁尔煤矿在离地表1200m 或1300m 深的地方开采时,原岩温
冶金部在广东凡口铅锌矿和大宝山矿对英国ICI公司生产毫秒延期8号电雷管、半秒延期8号电雷管、CORDTEX导爆索、SUPERFIEX导爆索和继爆管等五种产品进行现场试验。 The Mini
1 整形 枸杞树形应剪留成上大、下小的伞状圆形,三层结果枝组。栽植成活的枸杞,在早春距地面高约60厘米处剪顶定干,在剪口下10~20厘米范围内发生的新侧枝,选3~5个分布均匀的枝