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探讨了对非公务机关个人征信的法律规制:非公务机关对个人信息的征集与处理必须通过国家信息主管部门的授权与许可;非公务机关在征集与处理个人信息时必须要遵守合法性与合理性原则的规定;非公务机关在征集与处理个人信息时,要采取一定措施保障信息所有者的权利,并承担造成信息所有人权利侵害时的法律责任。 Discusses the legal regulation of personal credit information for non-official agencies: the collection and handling of personal information by non-official agencies must be authorized and permitted by the state information authority; and non-official agencies must obey the lawfulness and privacy when soliciting and handling personal information The principle of reasonableness; when collecting and handling personal information, the non-official organ shall take certain measures to protect the rights of the owner of the information and assume the legal responsibility of infringing upon the rights of the owner of the information.
Production of lead concentrates and refinedlead will increase synchronously in 2003.Afterthe Nandan event,which took place in Guangxiprovince in July 2001,Chin
Encouragement is not only important in communication but also in teaching. This paper will analyse the importance of encouragement in middle school English clas
教材:人教版课标本三年级上册。《灰雀》这篇课文记叙了列宁在莫斯科郊外养病期间爱护灰雀的故事。文章以人物对话为主线,既写出了列宁对孩子的教 Textbook: PEP lesson boo
在成都市3000多个在建工地中使用散装水泥治扬尘,每年可以减少粉尘排放80万吨!2010年成都市将继续推广散装水泥,并在划定区域内禁止现场搅拌混凝土,加大治理扬尘力 More tha
教学内容人教版《数学》第三册17页例1。教学目标1.知道乘法的含义,初步掌握乘法算式的读写法。2.会把相同加数的加法改 Teaching content PEP “Mathematics” third book
Experts say that the production and export ofrefined tin will continue to drop this year due toshortage of raw material supply,after a certainnumber of small-s