20 0 1年新世纪伊始 ,“北京申奥”“WTO谈判”就成为中国人关注的两件大事 ,火红的七月 ,“北京申奥”“WTO谈判”也进入倒计时 ,多年的等待 ,多年的准备 ,我们将以平静的心情迎接这一时刻的到来。“入世” ,国内外市场的开放 ,企业将面临巩固国内市场 ,开辟国外市场的?
At the beginning of the new century in 201st, “Beijing’s bid for the Olympics” and “WTO negotiations” have become two major concerns for the Chinese people. In the hot July, the “Beijing Olympics” and “WTO negotiations” have also entered a countdown, waiting for many years and many years of preparation. We will welcome this moment with calm. With China’s accession to the WTO and opening up of domestic and foreign markets, companies will face the consolidation of the domestic market and open up foreign markets.