绝代词人,薄命君王 李煜

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季羡林在《谈读书治学》中曾谈到:“南唐后主李煜的词传留下来的仅有三十多首,可分为前后两期:前期仍在江南当小皇帝,后期则已降宋。后期词不多,但是篇篇都是杰作,纯用白描,不作雕饰,一个典故也不用,话几乎都是平常的白话,老妪能解;然而意境却哀婉凄凉,千百年来打动了千百万人的心。”又:“中国历史上多一个励精图治的皇帝,没有多大分量。但是,如果缺一个后主,则中国 Ji Xianlin said in his book on the study of scholarship: ”The legend of Li Yu, a member of the Southern Tang Dynasty, has only been handed down in more than thirty words. It can be divided into two periods: the early emperors were still the little emperors in the south of Jiangnan and the later emperors However, the articles are all masterpieces, pure white sketch, no carving, nor an allusion, then almost all the usual vernacular, the old 妪 can solve; but the mood is sad and desolate, moved for thousands of years The hearts of millions of people. “” Again: "There is not much weight in the history of China for a more eminent figure, but if there is not one, then China
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