
来源 :湖北农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:intaaaf
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一、前言 在农业生产大跃进的新形势下,国家对农药的供应,不能满足普遍防治作物病虫的需要。广大群众发挥了无穷智慧,找出很多有效土药,在生产实践中起了很大作用。我们是在1958年8月贯彻北京所长会议精神,才开始土农药研究的,至现在只有半年的时间,基本上可以划分为二个阶段:第一阶段是自8月至国庆献礼,苦战一个半月采集土农药150余种,对农作物主要病虫害如水稻稻热病,白叶枯病,小麦赤霉病,棉花立枯、角斑、炭疽病,白菜软腐病,蚕豆根腐病,柑桔溃疡病,斜纹夜蛾、红蜘蛛、蚜虫、卷叶虫病等进行药效测定40余 I. Introduction In the new situation of great leap forward in agricultural production, the state’s supply of pesticides can not meet the needs of the general prevention and control of crop pests and diseases. The masses have played an infinite wisdom, find a lot of effective soil medicine, played a great role in the production practice. We are in August 1958 in Beijing to implement the spirit of the director of the meeting before beginning the study of pesticides and pesticides, and now only six months, basically can be divided into two phases: the first phase is from August to National Day gift, a hard fight Half of the month collected more than 150 kinds of soil pesticides, the main crop pests and diseases such as rice fever, bacterial leaf blight, wheat head blight, Kok, anthracnose, cabbage soft rot, broad bean root rot, citrus Ulcer disease, Spodoptera litura, spider mite, aphids, leaf roller worm disease and other efficacy measured more than 40
中华草蛉Chrysopa sinica Tjeder在河北省分布面广,发生数量大,一般占草蛉发生总量的80%以上。其幼虫能捕食山楂红蜘蛛Tetranychus Viennensis Zacher苹果红蜘蛛Panonychus
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1. 本文介绍研究日本血吸蟲幼蟲在钉螺體内发育过程的结果。 2.有12.5—34.3%的陽性钉螺内含有二个以上的母胞蚴,证明钉螺内只能有一个毛蚴发育之说不确。 3.母胞蚴发育及生