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全国人大代表、上海世博会组委会副主任委员、上海市市长韩正3月11日接受专访时说,举办中国2010年上海世界博览会将为各国共同应对危机、促进世界经济发展带来重大契机。韩正表示,今年5月1日是上海世博会倒计时一周年,届时将实施大规模的世博宣传活动,促进形成全国人民共迎世博、共办世博的局面。韩正说,进入2009年,上海世博会筹办工作已处于全面临战状态,上海将扎实推进各项筹办工作。 NPC deputy director of the Shanghai World Expo Organizing Committee and deputy chairman of the organizing committee of the Shanghai World Expo and Han Zheng, mayor of Shanghai, said in an exclusive interview on March 11 that hosting the China World Expo 2010 Shanghai will bring a major opportunity for all countries to jointly cope with the crisis and promote the development of the world economy. Han Zheng stated that May 1st this year marks the first anniversary of the countdown of the Shanghai World Expo. It will implement a large-scale expo and publicity campaign to promote the formation of a situation in which the people of the country welcome the Expo and the Expo. Han Zheng said that in 2009, the preparation work for the Shanghai World Expo will be in an all-out state, and Shanghai will steadily advance various preparations.
古人说:山不在高,有仙则名;水不在深,有龙则灵。这做生意也不在排场大小,有绝招绝活就行! The ancients said: The mountain is not high, but there is the name of the im
宁波市经委,宁波电业局、宁波市节能协会等部门代表于2007年2月6日在杭州凤起宾馆参加了省经贸委和省电力公司召开的地方电厂管理信息系统方案讨论会。 Ningbo Economic Com
Objective To evaluate two commercial anti-hepatitis E virus (HEV) IgM kits used for differential diagnosis of acute enteric viral hepatitis. Methods The kit for
每年两次在慕尼黑举行的ispo是目前世界上体育用品及运动时装行业最大的综合博览会,它的展品涵盖了体育产业的所有重要类别。慕尼黑地处欧洲中心,ispo munich(慕尼黑体育用品
2009年对于在中国市场以外销售汽车的厂商来说是个大灾之年,通用黄了,丰田赔了,美国人傻了,中国人笑了。作为中国媒体的一员,我们感觉很自豪。不知不觉到了2010年, In 2009,