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从夺取全面建设小康社会新胜利历史任务的高度来看企业诚信建设,首先要看到社会主义市场经济对诚信建设的内在要求。信用关系缺损,市场机制就不可能有效运行;信用关系扭曲,就会降低市场的有序性,市场经济就难以健康发展;信用链断裂,就会引发经济危机。信用关系的发达程度和水平标志着市场经济的繁荣程度和发展水平。 From the perspective of seizing the historic mission of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, we must first of all see the inherent requirements of the socialist market economy for the building of good faith. If the credit relationship is deficient, the market mechanism will not be able to operate effectively. If the credit relationship is distorted, the orderliness of the market will be deteriorated and the market economy will not be able to develop healthily. If the credit chain breaks down, it will trigger an economic crisis. The level and level of the development of credit relations mark the level of prosperity and development of the market economy.
我的老家在风景秀美的剑山脚下,每年春节我都是在老家度过的。我发现爷爷奶奶过大年时除了蒸年糕、蒸馒头、贴春联、放爆竹、搓汤圆外,还要: My hometown is at the foot of
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1991年1月12日湘政发2号省人民政府同意省公安厅《关于清理整顿企事业公安机构、合同民警和警服、警械的报告》,现转发给你们,请结合实际,认真贯彻执行。 On January 12, 1
这期的广播稿件是由辽宁省葫芦岛市建昌县药王庙中心小学提供的,欢迎大家点评! Broadcasting manuscripts of this issue are provided by Jianwang County Temple Center P
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