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Two Americans,Lloyd Shapley and Alvin Roth,were awarded the Nobel Economics Prize for their work on the “theory of stable allocations and practice of market design” 1 .This year’s prize concerns a central economic problem: how to match different agents as well as possible 2.For example,students have to be matched with schools,and donors 3 of human organs with patients in need of a transplant 4.How can such matching be accomplished as efficiently as possible? What methods are beneficial to what groups? Two Americans, Lloyd Shapley and Alvin Roth, were awarded the Nobel Economics Prize for their work on the “theory of stable allocations and practice of market design” 1. This year’s prize concerns a central economic problem: how to match different agents as well as possible 2.For example, students have to be matched with schools, and donors 3 of human organs with patients in need of a transplant 4.How can such matching beeded as efficiently as what?
情境化语法教学主要是将语法教学和情境环境设置相结合,透过具体情境调动学生学习的兴趣和知识结构驱动。在整个情境化的学习环境中,教学已经不再是教师主导,而是学生充分积极参与,改变题海战术的语法情境练习模式,走入一个开放多元的语境,有助于学生实际操作能力的提高。  一、 高中英语情境化语法教学模式概说  众所周知,英语语法对于所有英语初学者而言都是较为抽象的逻辑存在,毕竟,在母语生活环境之中很少接触到这
着法(红先胜):1.⑤8 4 0 6 5 2.⑩5§ 0 7曼3.⑤6—1 0 5工4.⑤6皇 0 5 4①5.③7三 0 6三②B.⑤6羔 前0五7.⑤6羔 0 5 4⑧8.⑤6里 0 4 5 9.⑧5—7 0 5 610.⑤6生 0 5耳12.⑤4
着法(红先胜):I.@6垒 ;’0 4 5 2.⑤6鱼 @7 4①8.⑤7 5 “0 5 6 4.⑩5 4 @9 6 5.⑤4 j @6 8 6.⑧8生 0 8 6。7.⑤4量 @6 7 1 8.⑧2墨,’@7 e 9.⑤5 4 0 6 5 1n,.⑤4至+、.0 5
报道用单模光纤光折变相位光栅作外腔的主动锁模半导体激光器,产生1.53μm、1.065GHz、15ps的近变换限超短光脉冲 It is reported that an active mode-locked semiconductor laser with a sin
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第一条为更好的贯彻执行《中华人民共和国发明奖励条例》结合林业专业的具体情况,特制定本办法,作为《中华人民共和国发明奖励条例实施细则》的补充规定。 Article 1 In or