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所谓非政府组织(Non-Governmental Organizations,即NGO.)是当今国际上的一种通行说法,一般指那些非政府的、非营利性的、致力于公益事业的社会中介组织,80年代以来,非政府组织在全球范围的发展很快,在世界社会经济和政治生活中的作用越来越大.非政府组织广泛参与可持续发展的各个领域里的活动,如扶贫、计划生育、妇女儿童保护、教育.卫生保健、农村发展、环境保护、人道主义救援以及人权保障等.目前,大多数国家的政府、各重要的政府间国际组织都将非政府组织当作社会经济发展活动中的合作伙伴,其中有很多已作出了相应的法律和制度上的安排.随着我国从传统的计划体制向社会主义市场经济体制过渡,以往由政府包办的大量社会工作将要转而由民间社会组织承担,民间的非营利性的志愿性的社会中介组织势必成为我国社会工作的重要载体和承担者.所以,借鉴世界各国非政府组织扩展的经验,对我国如何在市场经济条件下开展社会工作具有重要意义.本文阐述非政府组织的组织扩展问题,即非政府组织在建立之后,如何通过组织的扩展更好地实现其使命. The so-called Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO.) Is a common saying in the world today that generally refers to those non-governmental, non-profit social intermediary organizations dedicated to public welfare undertakings. Since the 1980s, non-governmental organizations Government organizations have developed rapidly around the world and have played an increasingly important role in the socio-economic and political life of the world. The activities of NGOs involved in various fields of sustainable development such as poverty alleviation, family planning, protection of women and children, Education, health care, rural development, environmental protection, humanitarian aid and protection of human rights, etc. At present, most national governments and all major intergovernmental organizations regard non-governmental organizations as their partners in social and economic development activities, Many of them have made corresponding legal and institutional arrangements.With the transition from the traditional planning system to the socialist market economy, a large amount of social work previously arranged by the government will be diverted to be undertaken by civil society organizations, and private Non-profit volunteer social intermediary organizations will surely become an important carrier and undertaker of our social work. , Drawing on the experience gained by non-governmental organizations in other countries is of great significance for how to carry out social work under the conditions of a market economy.This paper expounds the issue of the organization expansion of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) after the establishment of NGOs Well achieve its mission.
编辑同志:  《文史月刊》2004年第12期《武汉会战之际,宋美龄的几次遇险》一文,末段说:“她的秘书张紫葛女士”云云,有误。实际张紫葛不是女士。他确作过宋美龄的机要秘书,时间不长。他曾任国立女子师范学院教授,解放后,先后任西南师范学院(现西南师大)和西南政法学院(现政法大学)教授。晚年著有:《在历史的夹缝中》、《心香血泪祭吴宓》、《金风·李》等书。影响甚大。现已86岁,住在成都。只是早已双目失明
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