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为了扭转我国长期以来“吃饭靠财政,建设靠借债,年年出现赤字”的局面,本人就如何加强预算资金的使用管理,谈几点意见。一、加速体制改革长期以来我国行政事业单位机构臃肿、重叠,人浮于事,造成政出多门,一门多政,相互扯皮,办事效率低。这样,不仅容易产生官僚主义,影响四化进程,而且国家每年要支付大量的行政管理费。当前,我们要借党的“十四大”的强劲东风,加速财政体制改革,搞好预算资金的使用管理。实践证明,通过改革的地方,不仅为国家节约了行政管理费支出,还为国家创造了利税,增加了国民收入,同时减少了官僚主义,树立了好的作风,提高了工作效率,有利于早日扭转我国财政长期处于赤字的状况,实现财政收支平衡。二、合并财经管理机构将现有财经管理的税收、物价、财政、工商、国有资产管理、审计等部门合并为一体,成为财经管理局。财经管理局内分设两条线:第一条线按税务、物价、财政、工商、国有资产管理、审计工作职责分设各“业务管理处”,负责本职业务工作的宏观和微观管理;第二条线按工、农、商、学、军、政行业分设“财务管理处”,进行微观管理。第一条线各业务管理处将工作职责、财务收支、工作任务下达到第二条线各行业“财务管理处”;第二条线各“财务管理处”将第一条线各“业务管理处”下达的计划、任务 In order to reverse the situation in our country that “eating by means of finance and building by debt every year has long been a deficit,” I have a few comments on how to strengthen the use and management of budget funds. I. Accelerating System Reform For a long time, the institutions of our country’s administrative institutions are bloated, overlapping and people are floating around. In this way, bureaucracy is not only easy to produce, affecting the progress of the four modernizations, but also the state pays a large amount of administrative fees every year. At present, we must take the strong east wind of the “14th National Congress of the Party” to speed up the reform of the financial system and improve the management of the use of budgetary funds. Practice has proved that through the reform of the place, not only for the country to save administrative expenses, but also for the country to create profits and taxes, increasing national income, while reducing bureaucracy, and establish a good style, improve work efficiency, is conducive to early To reverse the long-term fiscal deficit in our country and to achieve a balance of revenue and expenditure. 2. The merged financial and economic management agencies shall merge the existing departments of revenue, price, finance, industry and commerce, state-owned assets management and auditing in the financial management into one and become the financial authority. There are two separate lines within the Bureau of Financial Services: the first line is divided into “business management offices” according to duties of taxation, price, finance, industry and commerce, state-owned assets management and auditing, and is responsible for the macro and micro management of its own business operations; Article 2 Line by workers, farmers, business, academies, military and political industries divided into “Financial Management Office” for micro-management. The first line of each business management office will work responsibilities, financial revenues and expenditures, tasks assigned to the second line of each industry “Financial Management Office”; the second line of the “Financial Management Office” will be the first line of “business Management Office ”issued by the plan, task
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