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中华人民共和国劳动保险条例已由中央人民政府于本年二月正式公布,并作出定期实行的决定。由于这个条例的颁布,已使广大职工的生活,获得了国家法律上的切实保障。将不但高度地发挥工人阶级在生产中的积极性和创造性,而且必然大大的巩固以工人阶级为领导的人民民主专政。因此,贯彻执行劳动保险条例实具行异常重大的政治意义。凡我省内合于条例中第二条规定的企业及各级人民政府均应认真贯彻执行,不得违误,兹结合本省具体情况,指示如下;一、各公私企业的行政或资方应根据中央人民政府劳动部公布的关于实行劳动保险登记手续的规定,主动会同该企业中工会基层委员会向当地人民政府劳动局(科)或省劳动局迅速办理早请实行劳动保险的登记工作,不得借故拖延。二、凡经人民政府批准实行劳动促险条例的公私企业中行政、资方和工会干部必须即刻进行关于劳保条例的学习和研究,认真领会与掌握条例的基 The People’s Republic of China Labor Insurance Ordinance was officially announced by the Central People’s Government in February this year and a decision was made on a regular basis. As a result of the enactment of this ordinance, the life of the vast numbers of workers and staff members has been effectively protected by the state laws. Will not only give full play to the enthusiasm and creativity of the working class in production, but will also inevitably greatly consolidate the people’s democratic dictatorship led by the working class. Therefore, the implementation of labor insurance regulations is an exceptionally significant political significance. All enterprises and people’s governments at various levels in our province, which comply with the provisions of Article 2 of these Regulations, shall implement these laws strictly and shall not make any mistake. The directives are hereby given as follows in light of the specific conditions of the province: 1. The administrative or employers’ People’s Government Labor Department announced the implementation of labor insurance registration procedures, voluntarily with the grass-roots trade union committee to the local People’s Government Labor Bureau (Branch) or Provincial Labor Bureau promptly apply for labor insurance registration, shall not be delayed by an excuse . 2. All administrative and employers ’and employees’ union officials in public and private enterprises that have been approved by the People’s Government to implement the work-related laws and regulations for promoting labor insurance must immediately carry out study and study on the labor insurance regulations and earnestly understand and master the regulations