
来源 :军事医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dan0030
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目的综合评价不同地域招收飞行学员医学选拔指标整体水平,寻找飞行学员选拔内容中地域差异的主要指标,为建立飞行学员医学选拔地域空间分布模型奠定基础,同时为选拔飞行学员地域指标分配提供科学依据。方法采用横断面调查方法,根据招收飞行学员体检号随机抽取某年度空军招收飞行学员共计290名,在整理招飞体检数据、问卷调查飞行学员人口学基本特征、完善心肺功能等特殊检查的基础上,按照地域编号分组,采用Epidata3.02建立数据库,SAS 9.13进行数据统计分析。结果 7个不同地域招收飞行学员医学选拔指标之间不存在显著差异,均在正常参考值范围;7个组之间心理选拔总评分、高考文化成绩存在差异,心理选拔成绩E地区最高,中位数为6.35(四分位数5.30~6.80),A地区最低,中位数为5.30(四分位数4.90~6.00)。高考成绩D地区最高,中位数为572分(四分位数547~582分),G地区最低,中位数为495分(四分位数481~503分),不同地区飞行学员文化成绩分布与该地区当年度高考成绩分布不一致。结论军事飞行作为特殊职业具有显著的地域相关性,其相关性主要体现在心理和文化素质方面,而进一步对飞行学员地域适宜性相关的自然环境、人文社会和种族遗传等因素进行系统研究,阐明飞行人员空间分布特点,建立飞行学员选拔空间分布决策咨询模型,对制订招收飞行学员地域分配方案具有重要的指导意义。 OBJECTIVE: To comprehensively evaluate the overall level of recruiting pilots’ medical selection indexes in different regions and to find out the main indexes of regional differences in the selection of pilots, so as to lay the foundation for the establishment of spatial distribution models of flight selection for pilots and provide a scientific basis for the regional distribution of pilots . Methods A total of 290 trainees admitted by Air Force were randomly selected according to the cross-sectional survey method. Based on the special examinations such as sorting out the physical examination data, questionnaire survey of the basic features of the population of the flying trainees and perfecting the cardiopulmonary function, , Grouped according to geographical area number, set up the database with Epidata3.02, SAS 9.13 carries on the statistical analysis of the data. Results There was no significant difference between the medical selection indexes of pilots recruited in seven different regions, all of which were in the normal reference range. There were differences in the total scores of psychological selection and the scores of college entrance examination among the seven groups. The scores of psychological selection were the highest The number was 6.35 (quartiles 5.30-6.80). The lowest in region A, with a median of 5.30 (quartiles 4.90-6.00). The highest score in college entrance examination D was 572 (quartiles 547-582), the lowest in district G, with a median of 495 (quarters 481-503), student achievement scores in different regions Distribution and distribution of the year when the college entrance examination results inconsistent. Conclusions Military flight has significant geographical relevance as a special occupation. Its correlation is mainly reflected in psychological and cultural qualities, and further studies are conducted on the factors such as the natural environment, human society and racial inheritance related to the regional suitability of flight students. The characteristics of the space distribution of pilots and the establishment of a decision-making consultation model for the selection of flight trainees in spatial distribution are of great guiding significance for formulating the regional distribution plan for admitting pilots.
Kaposi肉瘤( KS)又称多发性、特发性出血性肉瘤,是一种少见的多中心性肿瘤。在有关血管肿瘤的命名中将KS定义为中度恶性血管肿瘤,而临床上常可见到经典型KS患者长期带瘤生存,医