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可持续发展的主旨在于满足人类的整体需要 ,不断实现人类的整体价值。而要真正实现这一点 ,关键在于不断处理、改善人与自然的关系 ,使人与自然互生互惠、和洽相处 ,这必须通过人不断调整自身 (对自然 )的思想 (观念 )和行为 (实践 )来完成。因此 ,可持续发展的根本在于主体 (人 ) ,在于主体的内在内涵的正确和由此产生的对象性活动 (实践 )的正确。而在主体的内在内涵中 ,与人类实践最基础的关联是其价值观 ,因此 ,可持续发展观实质上是一种新的价值观 :它有赖于人的价值观的转向 (正确 ) ,有赖于社会的价值目标的正确 ,从而把发展看成是维持或增殖社会主体的能力而不再仅仅看成是对社会物质成果的积聚 ;把发展看成是对人类 (社会 )整体需要的满足而不再仅仅是对“我的”或当下的“我们的”利益的满足 ;把发展看成是对人类(社会 )精神的升华、自由度的拓延和人的全面性内容的持续获得而不再仅仅是对人 (社会 )的物性要求的满足。新价值观的这些内涵 ,指明了人类社会发展的方向和前景。然而 ,方向和前景不等于现实 ,正像人不可超越自然而在现实性上与自然平等一样 ,人也不可超越现实的、具体的人和社会的存在去侈谈人与人之间平等、人的思想观念的“正确”等 ,可持续发展不仅有其自然限度 ,而且更有其人 The key to sustainable development is to meet the overall needs of mankind and continuously realize the overall value of mankind. The key to truly realizing this is to continuously handle and improve the relationship between man and nature, and to make people and nature interact with each other and get along with each other. This must be done through man’s constant adjustment of his or her own ideas and behaviors )To be done. Therefore, the essence of sustainable development lies in the subject (person), that is, the correctness of the inner connotation of the subject and the resulting correctness of the sexual activity (practice). In the inner connotation of the subject, the most basic relation with human practice is its value. Therefore, the concept of sustainable development is essentially a new value: it depends on the shift of the human values ​​(correct) and depends on the social The value goal is correct, and development is seen as the ability to sustain or proliferate social subjects rather than mere accumulation of the material results of society; development is seen as a fulfillment of the overall needs of humankind (society), not just mere Is the satisfaction of “my” or the present “our” interests; seeing development as a sublimation of human (social) spirits, the extension of freedom and the constant acquisition of a person’s comprehensiveness, no longer merely Satisfaction of human (social) physical properties. These connotations of the new values ​​indicate the direction and prospects for the development of human society. However, the direction and the prospect are not equal to reality. Just as human beings can not transcend nature and are just like nature in reality, they can not transcend realistic and concrete human and social existential ones to talk about equality between people. Human beings “Correct” ideas, etc., sustainable development not only has its natural limits, but also more people
中国共产党对“以德治国”的认识经历了两个阶段。建国初期 ,党和政府即提出了基本的道德标准。自改革开放以来 ,党和政府确立了基本的道德规范。在建立社会主义市场经济体制
马克斯·韦伯的技术理性实质上并不是理性的 ,而是经验的 ,虽然它具有操作的高度有效性和科学性。正是由于韦伯技术理性的这一性质 ,所以它既不能理性地探索未来社会的历史发
编辑工作集科学美、劳动美、艺术美、创造美、道德美于一身 ,蕴蓄着巨大的审美潜能和美学效应 ,其美学内涵理应得到充分的发掘和研究。编辑审美目标和编辑审美观 ,即把审美作
发展中国家的现代化存在着与发达国家不同的发展逻辑和特殊矛盾。这些矛盾在发达国家现代化过程中是不曾遇到或很少出现的 ,并且大都具有“悖论”的性质。就共性而言 ,这些“
目的 探讨教师职业紧张的应对资源状况。方法 采用职业紧张量表对 146 0例中小学教师和 319例非教育工作的脑力劳动者进行职业紧张、紧张反应和应对资源测试。结果 教师应
<正> 多年来,我们一直都是在认识论的意义上理解和解释实事求是,把它界定为辩证唯物主义的思想路线。这无疑是正确的。但仅仅这样理解实事求是还是不够的,还需要从伦理学的角