“拿来主义”的重要意义 1934年,鲁迅先生针对国民党实行反革命的文化“围剿”,奉行卖国求荣政策,致使各种错误思潮泛滥,封建复古主义和“全盘西化”的主张甚嚣尘上等情况,提出批判“闭关主义”和“送去主义”,故写了《拿来主义》这篇杂文。今天我们在由计划经济向市场经济过渡的时候,坚持有选择的“拿来主义”“洋为中用”,发展自己,仍然有着极其重要的现实意义。一是有利于加快我国经济建设速度。二是可以提高我们民族的参与意识和竞争意识。三是可以促进世界经济的共同发展。
The Importance of “Leveraging Doctrine” In 1934, in response to the counter-revolutionary “encirclement and suppression” of the Kuomintang and the policy of seeking glory in selling its own country, Mr. Lu Xun led to the proliferation of various erroneous ideas and feudalism and the idea of “total Westernization” He put forward the criticism of “autocratism” and “sending doctrine.” He wrote the essay “Usedism.” Today, as we move from a planned economy to a market economy, we still have an extremely important practical significance to adhere to the choices of “used”, “foreign used” and developing ourselves. First, it is conducive to speeding up China’s economic construction. Second, we can raise our ethnic awareness of participation and competition. Third, we can promote the common development of the world economy.