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太仓师范工友乔菊生同志听了关於“节约粮食,杜绝浪费,支援国家建设”的报告之後,认识上有了提高,看到学校里用大锅蒸饭,可以节约粮食,就想:“节约粮食,人人有责。学校里可用大锅蒸饭,我们家里如果用小锅蒸饭,不是也能够节约粮食吗?这对国家和个人都有好处。”因此就在自己家里试验起来,结果成功了。我们知道这一情况後,重视了他的创造性的劳动,随即进行实地了解。以三斤四两生米试验,结果出饭九斤十三两,平均每斤生米出饭三斤,比普通烧饭多十两左右,比大锅菜饭也还多些。当即总结了他的蒸饭经验,召集了城区几个教育工会干部开座谈会研究,邀请乔菊生介绍。事後有四户进行了试验,都提高了出饭率。如太师附小张敬心老师家以一斤生米出饭二斤十四两;太师徐大文老师家以二斤籼米蒸出了六斤五两的饭。小锅蒸饭不但能减少国家的粮食消耗,同时也可节约家庭开支,相对的提高生活水平。乔菊生一家四口,由於找到了节约粮食的窍门,五月份比三月份少向国家买米七斤,生活过得和三月份一样。附小张敬心 After hearing the report on saving grain, eliminating waste and supporting nation-building, Comrade Qiao Jusheng, a trainee teacher in Taicang Prefecture, got a raise in his understanding. When he saw that cooking in a large pot with steaming pot in the school can save food, he thought: “Saving food , Everyone is responsible. School can use big pot steamed rice, if our family steamed rice with a small pot, not also can save food? This is good for both countries and individuals. ”So in their own home trial, the result is successful It's After we knew about this situation, we valued his creative work and immediately came to understand it on the ground. To three pounds four or two raw rice test, the results of nine pounds of twelve pounds, the average per kilogram of raw rice cooked three pounds, more than ten or so than ordinary cooking, more than the dish also more vegetables. Immediately summed up his experience of steamed rice, called a few education union cadres to open a forum for discussion, invited to introduce Jiao Jusheng. Afterwards, four households conducted the experiment, raising the rate of rice production. Such as the tutor attached to Zhang Zhixin teacher home to a pound of rice cooked two pounds fourteen two; Taishi Xu Dawen teacher home to two pounds of indica steamed five pounds of five pounds of rice. Steamed rice can not only reduce the country's food consumption, but also save family expenses, the relative increase in living standards. Qiao Jusheng a family of four, due to find the tips to save food, in May less than seven pounds to the country to buy rice, live in life the same as in March. With a small heart
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一、引言互斥型投资方案的评价比选方法虽多,但人们对其认识并不一致。例如,人们常常认为,如果 A、B 两个投资方案互斥,寿命相等,若方案 A 投资 I_p=1亿元,其净现值 NPV(i_c