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目的了解碘盐新标准实施后厦门市居民的碘营养现状,为落实科学补碘防控策略提供依据。方法按照《全国碘缺乏病监测方案》中的抽样方法,抽取不同调查对象进行合格碘盐食用率及不同样本碘含量测定。用直接滴定法测定盐碘,用砷铈催化分光光度法测定尿碘,采用适合缺碘及高碘地区的水碘检测方法测定水碘。结果农村和城市自来水末梢水水碘含量均值分别为4.5和6.0μg/L;居民人均每日食用盐摄入量中位数分别为7.0和5.6 g;全市居民盐碘中位数为25.3 mg/kg,合格碘盐食用率为97.7%;8~10岁儿童尿碘中位数为164.7μg/L;哺乳妇尿碘中位数为108.1μg/L;18~45岁成人尿碘中位数为128.3μg/L;孕妇尿碘中位数为114.2μg/L。结论厦门市仍属于外环境缺碘地区,在现有碘盐标准下,8~10岁儿童、18~45岁成人和哺乳期妇女碘营养处于适宜状态,但孕妇碘营养不足,要开展针对孕期人群的碘营养监测和指导,杜绝碘缺乏所造成的危害。 Objective To understand the status quo of iodine nutrition in Xiamen residents after the implementation of the new iodized salt standard and to provide a basis for implementing scientific iodine prevention and control strategies. Methods According to the sampling method of “National Iodine Deficiency Disease Surveillance Program”, different subjects were selected to determine the iodine salt consumption rate and iodine content of different samples. Determination of iodine by direct titration, determination of urinary iodine by arsenic and cerium catalytic spectrophotometry, and determination of water iodine using water iodine detection method suitable for iodine deficiency and iodine deficiency areas. Results The average water iodine content in urban and rural tap water was 4.5 and 6.0 μg / L, respectively. The median daily household salt intake per inhabitant was 7.0 and 5.6 g, respectively. The median of salt iodine in the city was 25.3 mg / kg, and the eligible iodine salt consumption rate was 97.7%. The median urinary iodine of children aged 8-10 was 164.7 μg / L, the median urinary iodine of lactating women was 108.1 μg / L, and the median urinary iodine of adults aged 18-45 years 128.3μg / L; the median urinary iodine of pregnant women was 114.2μg / L. Conclusion Xiamen City is still in the iodine deficiency area. Under the existing standard of iodized salt, iodine nutrition is suitable for children aged 8-10 years, adults 18-45 years old and lactating women. However, iodine deficiency is not enough in pregnant women, Iodine nutrition monitoring and guidance of the population, to eliminate the harm caused by iodine deficiency.
中日现用汉字对照表(二)050021河北医药编辑部张秀清,王荣杰中日现用汉字对照表(二)@张秀清,王荣杰$河北医药编辑部... (2) 050021 Hebei Medical Editorial Board Zhang Xiuqing, Wang