Natural Biological Attenuation of Benzene in Groundwater

来源 :Tsinghua Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:itsmoreaaron
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Benzene has been found in subsurface unsaturated soil and groundwater beneath a petro chemical plant. Although the groundwater contained several mg/L of benzene in the area immediately beneath the source, benzene was not detected in monitoring wells approximately 800m down stream. All kinds of physical processes such as adsorption and advection/dispersion are considered to account for the observed attenuation. The results indicated that the attenuation was primarily due to natural biological processes occurring within the aquifer. The evidence for the natural bioremediation of benzene from the groundwater included: (1) analysis of groundwater chemistry, (2) laboratory studies demonstrating benzene biodegradation in aquifer samples, and (3) computer simulations examining benzene transport. Laboratory experiments indicated that for conditions similar to those in the plume, the aerobic degradation of benzene by the naturally occurring microorganisms in the polluted groundwater samples was quite rapid with a half life time of from 5 to 15 days. In situ analyses indicated the level of dissolved oxygen in the groundwater was over 2mg/L. Thus, oxygen should not limit the biodegradation. In fact, the benzene was also shown to degrade under anaerobic conditions. The results from the modeling simulations indicate that biodegradation is the dominant process influencing attenuation of the benzene.  Benzene has been found in subsurface unsaturated soil and groundwater beneath a petro chemical plant. Although the groundwater contained several mg / L of benzene in the area under beneath the source, benzene was not detected in monitoring wells approximately 800m down stream. processes such as adsorption and advection / dispersion are considered to account for the observed attenuation. The results indicated that the attenuation been less due to natural biological processes occurring within the aquifer. The evidence for the natural bioremediation of benzene from the groundwater included: (1 ) analysis of groundwater chemistry, (2) laboratory studies demonstrating benzene biodegradation in aquifer samples, and (3) computer simulations examining benzene transport. Laboratory experiments that that conditions similar to those in the plume, the aerobic degradation of benzene by the natural occurring microorganisms in the polluted groundwater sam In situ analyzes have shown that the level of dissolved oxygen in the groundwater was over 2 mg / L. Thus, oxygen should not limit the biodegradation. In fact, the benzene was also shown to degrade under anaerobic conditions. The results from the modeling simulations indicate that biodegradation is the dominant process influencing attenuation of the benzene. 
适用范围:建筑、公路、煤炭、港口、石油、冶金、机械、水利等行业岩土工程勘察内业资料整理、岩土工程制图、岩土工程计算、岩土工程评价、岩土工程设计。特  点:1.采用数据库
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