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本文对会话分析理论进行了综述得出会话分析属于话语分析的一部分并且会话结构属于会话分析的一部分,随后讨论了国内外学者对会话结构理论的研究并且重点讨论了局部结构,然后从局部结构对《查理罗斯秀》和《面对面》中主持人的言语行为进行比较分析,并且以数据统计的方式对争夺话轮策略和会话修正策略进行比较,最后得出《查理罗斯秀》主持人拥有更大的话语控制权以及《面对面》主持人更加遵循注重礼貌原则和面子保全理论的结论。 This article summarizes the theory of conversational analysis and concludes that conversational analysis belongs to the part of discourse analysis and conversational structure belongs to the part of conversational analysis. Then it discusses the domestic and foreign scholars’ research on the theory of conversational structure and focuses on the local structure. Then, The comparative analysis of speech acts of the presenters in “Charlie Rose” and “face to face”, and comparing the strategy of selecting rounds of conversation with conversational speech by means of data statistics, concludes that the host of “Charlie Rose” The discourse control and “face-to-face” moderators follow the conclusion of politeness principle and face preservation theory.
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