在SUV和三厢轿车横行的时代,很多国外经典的两厢车,到了国内成了硬生生加上后备箱的衍生车型,让欧美流行的掀背车变成了陌生又新鲜的车型。人是充满个性的,汽车也是如此。在汽车社会发展相对成熟的国外,汽车设计灵感往往来自惬意生活方式的需求,使用要求也简单而直接:个性和实用。因此,无论是两厢卡罗拉(丰田Auris)还是两厢蓝瑟(三菱LANCER SPORTBACK)这样的平民级家用车,或是走高大上路线的奥迪A3、阿尔法·罗密欧Glulietta等豪华车型,都有让人怦然心动的掀背车。到了中国这片新兴热土上,代步工具的传统意义被打破,取而代之的是动力强劲、驾乘舒适、
In the age of rampant SUVs and sedan cars, many of the classic hatchbacks in the world have become domestically derived derivative models with a hard-working trunk. This makes popular hatchbacks in Europe and the United States a stranger and newer model. People are full of personality, the same is true of the car. In a relatively mature automobile social development abroad, car design inspiration often comes from the demand for comfortable lifestyle, use requirements are simple and direct: personal and practical. So whether it’s a hatchback Corolla (Toyota Auris) or a hatchback Lancer (Mitsubishi LANCER SPORTBACK) such a civilian-class family car, or go up the route of the Audi A3, Alfa Romeo Glulietta and other luxury models, have people suddenly Heart of the hatchback. To this new hot spot in China, the traditional significance of the means of transport was broken, replaced by a strong driving force, driving comfort,