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高山、深山、石山;悬崖、陡坡、沟壑、森林。浙江省武义县南部山区13个乡镇中,有4万山民居住在偏远的深山坳中。他们有七难——走路难、上学难、娶亲难、就医难、用水用电难、邮电通讯难、发展经济难。1994年6月,武义县出台了全国第一个专门鼓励农民下山脱贫、异地致富保生态的《政府令》。千年古县拉开了历史上规模最大、最为壮观的德政工程序幕。7年后,全县已有220个自然村、10313户、30944生态移民下山脱贫保生态,占全县总人口的1/10。最近,浙江省委书记张德江在武义县调查研究、实地走访后,高度评价武义下山脱贫,说:这既是德政工程,也是绿色工程。这是一条正确的道路,成绩十分显著,经验十分可贵,怎么评价都不过分。武义县委书记金中梁为实施下山脱贫保生态工程立下了汗马功劳。经浙江省林业部门推荐,本刊封面人物评选委员会确定,金中梁同志当选本期封面人物。为此,本刊记者专访了金中梁。 High mountains, mountains, rocks; cliffs, steep slopes, ravines, forests. Among the 13 towns and villages in the southern mountainous area of ​​Wuyi County in Zhejiang Province, 40,000 Shan people live in the remote deep col. They have seven difficulties - difficult to walk, difficult to go to school, marry relatives, medical treatment difficult, difficult to use electricity and water, post and telecommunications difficult to develop economic difficulties. In June 1994, Wuyi County promulgated the “government order” that was the first country to specially encourage farmers to get out of poverty in the mountains and protect the ecology in other places. Millennium ancient county opened the history of the largest and most spectacular German political prologue. Seven years later, the county has 220 natural villages, 10,313 households, and 309,444 ecological migrants went off the poor and kept the ecological state, accounting for 1/10 of the total population of the county. Recently, Zhang Dejiang, secretary of Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, investigated and researched in Wuyi County. After field visits, he remarked highly of Wuyi’s descent from the mountains and said that this is both a moral project and a green project. This is a correct path, the result is very significant, the experience is very valuable, and how to evaluate it all. Wuzhong County Party Secretary Jin Zhongliang in order to implement the ecological project off poverty alleviation made a contribution. Recommended by the forestry department of Zhejiang Province, the magazine cover figure selection committee to determine, Comrade Kim Chung-Liang was elected cover figure. To this end, the reporter interviewed Jin Zhongliang.
我国加入 WTO,除了经济体制上的深远影响外,对于我国法律制度的影响也是空前的,WTO 的法律规定是一套内容宏大、规则十分复杂的法律体系,无论是对立法部门还是行政管理部门来
分析了我军军事院校管理和办公自动化技术发展的现状,提出了构建军队院校管理集成办公信息系 统的初步构想,详细阐述了系统开发建设的具体实施方法,为加强军校决策、咨询和管