A Woman at the Wheel

来源 :时代英语(高一) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhaorongjian
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The pits at the race track were very busy.Drivers and engineers were working hard on their powerful racing cars.Each racing team had its own pit:there was fuel and oil for the cars,a workshop,spare parts...The drivers were all young men,except one.The one was Lella Lombardi.Miss Lombardi is a young Italian woman.She is small but strong; The pits at the race track were very busy.Drivers and engineers were working hard on their powerful racing cars.Each racing team had its own pit:there was fuel and oil for the cars,a workshop,spare parts...The drivers were All young men,except one.The one was Lella Lombardi.Miss Lombardi is a young Italian woman.She is small but strong;
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正义问题之缘起是一个重大的理论问题。本文考察了社会契约论者及拉法格有关正义起源的理论 ,进而阐述了个人的看法 The origin of justice is a major theoretical issue.
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“致天下之治者在人才,成天下之才者在教化,教化之所本者在学校。”这是我国宋代教育家胡瑗学育才的一句格言。 “To the ruler of the world is the talented person. The