我从1936年起开始当记者,至今已逾半个世纪。五十多年间,我写的各种新闻不下万件,但能记得住的不多,很多已无法查找了,这里先回忆解放前我的记者生涯中的几件往事。 抗日战争爆发不久,国民政府即已决定把首都从南京迁往重庆,把重庆定名为“陪都”;国民党的要员们,纷纷从南京,从武汉到了重庆。 对这些人的采访,多半是官样文章,发的也大都类似公报新闻。但是有几件事,却是我至今
I have been a reporter since 1936 and have been more than half a century. In more than 50 years, I have written not less than 10,000 news of all kinds, but I can not remember many and many have been unable to find out. I will recall here a few memories of my career as a journalist before liberation. Soon after the outbreak of the war of resistance against Japan, the national government decided to relocate the capital from Nanjing to Chongqing and renamed Chongqing the capital. The VIP members of the Kuomintang went from Nanjing to Chongqing from Wuhan. Most of the interviews with these people are official articles, and most of them are similar to the communiqué. But there are a few things that I have so far