大胆跨越 不失法度——浅谈岭南盆景技法的改革

来源 :花木盆景(花卉园艺) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:svennis
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一个盆景艺术流派的繁荣,在于不断改革创新,跨越前人,使它的艺术风貌永远适应人们的审美观念的需要而求得艺术生命的永存。跨越前人就是后人继承前业的体现,唯有跨越才能发展。从前的岭南盆景的枝态.也适应那时人们的精神生活的需要。假如不是孔、素等岭南盆景艺术先师创造了“蓄枝截干”法,使岭南盆景形成了当今具有时代性的风格,也就不适应今天的审美时尚了。当代盆景大师陆学明先生独有见解,打破陈规又创造了大飘枝。这些都是后人跨越前人的例证。大飘枝也常谓之翼枝和手枝,这都是以其形而得其称的。按其功能讲,是气枝、韵枝、神枝和动枝。借其飘展之势,几乎使盆中之景人格化了,显得有礼而骄矜;靠其飘展之势,大有牵一发而动全身之功,使作品气韵横生,神态跃然,令人感到作品的周围充满着大自然的运动性,产生了眼前之景、山外之意的艺术效果。的确,佳作往往出于不失法度的跨越之中。跨越前人,在于认识自我。不要以为岭南盆景正处于鼎盛时期,枝法独具特色受到人们的称赞而自我感觉过于良好,老认为岭南盆景的枝法横竖都比其它流派美。其实检验作品美不美的标准不在于与其它流派的比较,而是大自然的植物的生态特征,也即植物的“三性”。植物的“三性”就是根系向下性,枝干向上性和向外性。植物根系向下性是它们都要从大地吸收水份和肥分的本能所致,也是植物立足之本而产生抗争力量所使然。大自然的植物枝梢和身干因受光 The prosperity of a bonsai art genre lies in the continuous existence of artistic life through constant reform and innovation, crossing over from previous generations and adapting its artistic style to people’s aesthetic conception forever. Across the predecessors is the descendants of the succession of predecessors reflect the industry, only to cross the development. The former Lingnan bonsai branch. Also adapted to the spiritual needs of people at that time. If it is not a hole, prime Lingnan bonsai art teacher created a “branch sticks dry” method, Lingnan bonsai formed today’s contemporary style, it does not adapt to today’s aesthetic fashion. Master of contemporary bonsai master Mr. Lu Xueming unique view, to break the stereotypes and created a big sticks. These are examples of future generations across their predecessors. Large branches are also often referred to as the branches and branches, which are its shape and its name. According to its function, is Qi, rhyme, gods and branches. By virtue of its floating potential, almost King of potted landscape, it is polite and arrogant; by its floating potential, a great lead to move the body of the power, so that works full of vigor and vitality, demeanor vivid, people feel Surrounding the work is full of nature’s movement, resulting in the immediate King, the artistic meaning of the meaning outside the mountains. Indeed, good works often out of the span without losing the law. Across the predecessors, is to recognize themselves. Do not think that the bonsai in the south of the Five Ridges is in the heyday of the time. The unique characteristics of the branches and branches are praised by people and feel too good about themselves. In fact, the test of the beauty of the work is not the standard of comparison with other schools, but the ecological characteristics of the natural plant, that is, the plant’s “three”. Plant “three nature ” is the root downward, branch upward and outward. The root system of plants is caused by the instinct that they all need to absorb water and fertilizer from the earth. It is also due to the resistance of the plants based on their roots. Plant shoots and dry nature due to light
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