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实现对离散信号数字处理的卷积滤波关键是设计期望的滤波器频谱。理论上理想低通滤波器能抑制噪声,改善系统传递信号的信噪比,但它对应的时间函数是一无限长的卷积因子序列,为方便实践必须做截断处理,这将产生吉布斯现象而导致频谱变坏,不能有效地抑制噪声,增强有用信号。本文给出了一种在做截断处理后具有最小吉布斯现象的滤波器频谱。并对选择不同截取时窗长度的截取误差进行了分析,对该滤波器的噪声抑制能力也进行了讨论。最后通过实验对系统进行了验证,给出了系统的实现框图。 The key to implementing the convolution filtering of the discrete signal digital processing is to design the desired filter spectrum. In theory, the ideal low-pass filter can suppress the noise and improve the signal-to-noise ratio of the system. However, its corresponding time function is an infinite length of convolution factor sequence. For the sake of practicality, it must be truncated, which will result in Gibbs Phenomenon causes the spectrum to deteriorate, can not inhibit the noise effectively, enhance the useful signal. This paper presents a filter spectrum that has the least Gibbs phenomenon after truncation. The choice of different interception time window length of the interception error analysis of the noise suppression of the filter are also discussed. Finally, the system is verified through experiments, and the block diagram of the system is given.
高银(Ko Un,1933-),韩国著名诗人、作家。1933年生于全罗北道沃沟郡(现群山市),原名高银泰。1952年出家修禅,法号一超。1958年在《现代文学》发表《泉隐寺韵》《雪路》等作品
寒潮来临时,我们要注意多运动、多穿衣服保暖,此外,还可以多吃些御寒的食物,提高人体抗寒能力。下面推荐10个冬季养生的小诀窍,让你在寒冷的冬天增强身体抵抗力。 Cold wave
AIM:To investigate the effects of hexahydrocurcumin(HHC),and its combination with 5-fluorouracil(5-FU) on dimethylhydrazine(DMH)-induced colon cancer in rats.ME