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课程是职业教育的心脏,“真正的技术实践能力必须在实训过程中才能形成,这是由技术的本质决定的”。所以,职业教育课程体系的主体应该是实践性课程,经过多年的教学改革,高职大多数专业课程均引入实际工程项目,采用项目教学或案例教学。以建筑工程技术专业为例,该专业是实践性很强的专业,仅有模拟项目的教学不足以使学生真正建立施工的真实感受,而采用学生在工地现场以准员工的身份,工学合一,在实践中进行学习的方式,是培养学生实践技能的一个重要途径。经过调研,在实际生产中进行教学已经成为高职院校课程改革的重要形式。岗位课程有的学校称 Curriculum is the heart of vocational education, “The real technical ability to practice must be formed in the training process, which is determined by the nature of technology ”. Therefore, the main body of the vocational education curriculum system should be a practical curriculum, after years of teaching reform, most professional vocational courses are introduced into the actual project, the use of project teaching or case teaching. The construction engineering technology, for example, the professional is a very practical professional, only the simulation project is not enough to enable students to really build the real feelings of construction, and students at the site with prospective employees identity, engineering unity , The way to study in practice is an important way to cultivate students’ practical skills. After research, teaching in actual production has become an important form of curriculum reform in higher vocational colleges. Some schools said the job class
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黄河徐淮故道前后行水661年。对比分析徐淮故道和现黄河下游河长与纵剖面的结果,认为现黄河还有很大行河潜力,在几十年至百年内,不需考虑人工大改道问题。 Xuhuai River bef
“风调雨顺”这一成语,为人们所熟知,而且易于理解,似不必细究。但其出处及其原义恐未为人们所习知。今读梁章钜《浪迹续谈》卷七 “风调雨顺”所载,很受启发。故予全节移录
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随着社会科技的不断进步,信息技术已经逐步渗透到各个领域,尤其在教育领域发挥着重要的作用。随着高职院校教育媒体教室是促进教学效率与质量的前提。 With the continuous