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  “信仰危机”这个词近年来有很高的出镜率,从人们的关注程度足见“信仰”的影响力,但也有人认为称其为“危机”未免有点小题大做。然而不管此前的你是多么地不相信“信仰”这一套,这两部影片还是会让你有所震撼。《自由作家》中的爱琳之所以让人动容,就在于她坚持将美好的种子种在那些虽然年少但灵魂早已苍老的孩子心里。最终信仰开出了美丽的花。《好好先生》中的卡尔勇于接受各种挑战,终于成功摆脱宅男形象,他的动力来源于他的信仰,是信仰点燃了他生命的激情,如影片的宣传语所说的:One word can change everything.
  这是由真实故事改编而来的电影,背景是美国史上最大一次种族骚乱之后的洛杉矶。初出茅庐的教师爱琳怀有对教育的满腔热情,但很快就发现一切跟她所想象的差太远了。直到一张画使她对这群学生有了更深的了解,他们身处下层社会,为街头暴力所困扰,说教对他们而言只是教育者在作秀,他们需要的是一个倾听者。于是爱琳让她的学生们利用日记记录下点点滴滴的遭遇,释放被仇恨占据的心灵;让他们阅读关于战争时期的孩子们如何在暴力环境下勇敢生活的书籍,从别人的经历中汲取生活的勇气;此外,她安排学生同集中营的幸存者交流,还远渡重洋请来了当年收留安妮·法兰克的Miep Gies女士为他们传播信仰之光。
  Picture Incident 一张画所引发的……
  Erin: You know something? I saw a picture just like this once in a museum. Only it wasn’t a black man, it was a 1)Jewish man. And instead of the big lips, he had a really big nose, like a rat’s nose. But he wasn’t just one particular Jewish man, this was a drawing of all 2)Jews. And these drawings were put in the newspapers by the most famous 3)gang in history. You think you know all about gangs? You’re 4)amateurs. This gang would put you all to shame. And they started out poor and angry, and everybody looked
  down on them. Until one man decided to give them some pride, an 5)identity and somebody to blame. You take over your neighborhoods? That’s nothing compared to them. They took over countries. And you wanna know how? They just 6)wiped out everybody else.
  Students: Yeah.
  Erin: Yeah, they wiped out everybody they didn’t like, and everybody they blamed for their life being hard. And one of the ways they did it was by doing this. See, they’d print pictures like this in the newspapers. Jewish people with big, long noses. Blacks with big, fat lips. They’d also published scientific evidence that proved Jews and blacks were the lowest form of human 7)species. Jews and blacks were more like animals. And because they were just like animals it didn’t really matter whether they lived or died. In fact, life would be a whole lot better if they were all dead. That’s how a 8)holocaust happens. And that’s what you all think of each other.
  Marcus: You don’t know nothing, homegirl.
  Erin: No, I don’t, Marcus! So why don’t you explain it to me?
  Marcus: I ain’t explaining shit to you!
  Erin: All right! All right! All right! So what you’re saying is, if the Latinos weren’t here, or the Cambodians or the blacks or the whites or whoever they are, if they weren’t here, everything would be better for you, isn’t that right?
  Students: Of course it’d be better! It’d be better if you weren’t here.
  Erin: Right. Right. It starts with a drawing like this, and then some kid dies in a 9)drive-by, never even knowing what hit him.
  Eva: You don’t know nothing! You don’t know the pain we feel. You don’t know what we got to do. You got no respect for how we living. You got us in here, teaching us this grammar shit, and then we got to go out there again. And what are you telling me about that, huh? What are you doing in here that makes a goddamn difference to my life?
  Erin: You don’t feel respected. Is that what you’re saying, Eva? Well, maybe you’re not. But to get respect, you have to give it.
  Andre: That’s bullshit.
  Erin: What?
  Andre: Why should I give my respect to you? ’Cause you’re a teacher? I don’t know you. How do I know you’re not a liar standing up there? How do I know you’re not a bad person standing up there? I’m not just gonna give you my respect because you’re called a teacher.
  Eva: White people always wanting their respect like they deserve it for free.
  Erin: I’m a teacher. It doesn’t matter what color I am.
  Eva: It’s all about color. It’s about people deciding what you deserve, about people wanting what they don’t deserve, about whites thinking they run this world no matter what. You see, I hate white people.
  Erin: You hate me?
  Eva: Yeah.
  Erin: You don’t know me.
  Eva: I know what you can do. I saw white10)cops shoot my friend in the back for reaching into his pocket! His pocket. I saw white cops break into my house and take my father for no reason except because they feel like it! Except because they can. And they can because they’re white. So I hate white people 11)on sight!
  马库斯: 你什么都不懂,乖乖女。
  马库斯: 我才懒得给你解释!
  爱琳: 好了! 好了! 好了!所以你们一直认为,如果没有拉丁美洲人,或者没有柬埔寨人或者黑人或者白人,反正不管他们是谁,如果没有他们的存在,一切对你们来说就会更好,是不是?
  艾娃: 你什么都不懂!你不懂我们所忍受的痛苦,你不懂我们必须得做些什么,你对我们的生活毫无尊重。你让我们来到这里,教我们这些狗屁语法,然后我们还得再一次回到那样的鬼地方。你又有什么资格跟我说那个?你在这里所做的一切能让我的生活得到多大改变呢?
  安德烈: 胡扯。
  艾娃: 白人往往想当然地觉得应该无条件地得到尊重。
  Toast for Change 为改变而干杯
  ((The beginning of a new semester))
  Erin: OK, guys, gals, listen up! This is what I want you to do. I want each of you to step forward and take one of these 12)Borders bags, which contain the four books we’re gonna read this semester.
  Students: All right!
  Erin: They’re very special books, and they each remind me, in some way, of each of you. But, before you take the books, I want you to take one of these glasses of sparkling cider, and I want each of you to make a 13)toast. We’re each gonna make a toast for change. And what that means is, from this moment on every voice that told you “You can’t” is silenced. Every reason that tells you things will never change, disappears. And the person you were before this moment, that person’s turn is over. Now it’s your turn. OK?
  爱琳:男生女生,听好了!这就是接下来我想让你们做的事情。 我要你们每个人上前来,从这些Boarders书屋大袋子里拿一袋,袋子里装有我们这个学期要读的四本书。
  Everyday Heroes 平凡英雄
  Miep Gies: Yes.
  Marcus: I’ve never had a hero before. But you are my hero.
  Miep Gies: Oh, no. No, no, young man, no. I am not a hero. No. I did what I had to do, because it was the right thing to do. That is all. You know, we are all ordinary people. But even an ordinary secretary or a housewife or a teenager can, within their own small ways, turn on a small light in a dark room. Yeah? I have read your letters, and your teacher has been telling me many things about your experiences. You are the heroes. You are heroes every day.
  马库斯: 我心中从来没有英雄人物,但你是我的英雄。
  米普·吉斯: 哦,不。不,不,年轻人。我不是英雄,不是。我只是做了我该做的,因为这么做是正确的,就这么简单。你知道,我们都是普通人。但即便是一个普通秘书或家庭主妇或青少年,都能以自己的方式给一间小黑屋点上一丝光亮,对不对?我已经读了你们的来信,你们的老师也告诉了我你们的许多经历。你们才是英雄,每一天你们都是英雄。



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