Potential aquatic environmental risks of trifloxystrobin:Enhancement of virus susceptibility in zebr

来源 :动物学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fymps
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Chronic pollution in aquatic ecosystems can lead to many adverse effects,including a greater susceptibility to pathogens among resident biota.Trifloxystrobin(TFS)is a strobilurin fungicide widely used in Asia to control soybean rust.However,it has the potential to enter aquatic ecosystems,where it may impair fish resistance to viral infections.To explore the potential environmental risks of TFS,we characterized the antiviral capacities of fish chronically exposed to TFS and subsequently infected with spring viraemia of carp virus(SVCV).Although TFS exhibited no significant cytotoxicity at the tested environmental concentrations during viral challenge,SVCV replication increased significantly in a time-dependent manner within epithelioma papulosum cyprini(EPC)cells and zebrafish exposed to 25 μg/L TFS.Results showed that the highest viral load was more than 100-fold that of the controls.Intracellular biochemical assays indicated that autophagy was induced by TFS,and associated changes included an increase in autophagosomes,conversion of LC3-Ⅱ,accumulation of Beclin-1,and degradation of P62 in EPC cells and zebrafish.In addition,TFS markedly decreased the expression and phosphorylation of mTOR,indicating that activation of TFS may be associated with the mTOR-mediated autophagy pathway.This study provides new insights into the mechanism of the immunosuppressive effects of TFS on non-target aquatic hosts and suggests that the existence of TFS in aquatic environments may contribute to outbreaks of viral diseases.
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