
来源 :化工标准化与质量监督 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiazaikankan
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全国轮标委航空轮胎标准化分技术委员会第二届五次会议及三届一次会议于一九九二年四季度在湖南长沙市召开。国家技术监督局、全国轮标委、航空轮胎分标委及气门咀分标委的代表,航空轮胎分标委的委员等21人出席了会议。会上,分技术委员会秘书组所在单位化工部曙光橡胶工业研究所所长李日煜及中国航材公司中南办事处张力森经理讲了话。会议听取了第二届委员会丁汉汇主任委员所作的工作报告。全国轮标委秘书处刘仕芳副秘书长传达了全国轮标委三届委员会成立大会的精神,代表国家技术监督局和化工部科技司标准处宣布航空轮胎标准化分技术委员会三届委员会的成立,并颁发了三届委员会委员的任职聘书和二届委员会委员的荣誉证书。 The 5th meeting of the second session of the National Aviation Standards Committee Aviation Tire Standardization Subcommittee and the 3rd meeting were held in Changsha, Hunan in the fourth quarter of 1992. Twenty-one people attended the meeting, including representatives from the State Bureau of Technical Supervision, the National Round of Standardization Committees, the Aviation Tire Sub-Committee, and the Valve Sub-Branch Subcommittee, and the Aviation Tire Sub-Committee. At the meeting, Li Rizhao, director of the Shuguang Rubber Industry Research Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry under the Subcommittee’s Secretary Group, and Manager Yan Senmen of China Aviation Materials Corporation Zhongnan Office spoke. The meeting heard a report on the work of the chairman of the Second Committee Ding Han-hui. The Deputy Secretary-General Liu Shifang of the Secretariat of the National Rotating Standards Committee conveyed the spirit of the establishment of the National Committee of the Third National Commission for Standardization, and on behalf of the State Bureau of Technical Supervision and the Standards Division of the Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry, the three-term committee of the Aviation Tire Standardization Sub-technical Committee was established. The letter of appointment of the members of the Third Committee and the honorary certificate of the members of the Second Committee were issued.
煤—上升80%(主要在中国,占世界的55%) 油—上升30%(主要在中东) 天然气—上升14% 铀—略有下降 26个国家的核电站总数已超过400座,在建106座,已计划确定136座。核电现已占世界