Characterization of a new smog chamber for evaluating SAPRC gas-phase chemical mechanism

来源 :环境科学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hemir
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A new state-of-the-art indoor smog chamber facility (CAPS-ZJU) has been constructed and characterized at Zhejiang University,which is designed for chemical mechanism evaluation under well-controlled conditions.A series of characterization experiments were performed to validate the well-established experimental protocols,including temperature variation pattern,light spectrum and equivalent intensity (JNO2),injection and mixing performance,as well as gases and particle wall loss.In addition,based on some characterization experiments,the auxiliary wall mechanism has been setup and examined.Fifty chamber experiments were performed across a broad range of experimental scenarios,and we demonstrated the ability to utilize these chamber data for evaluating SAPRC chemical mechanism.It was found that the SAPRC-11 can well predict the O3 formation and NO oxidation for almost all propene runs,with 6 hr △(O3-NO) model error of-3% ± 7%,while the final O3 was underestimated by ~20% for isoprene experiments.As for toluene and p-xylene experiments,it was confirmed that SAPRC-11 has significant improvement on aromatic chemistry than earlier version of SAPRC-07,although the aromatic decay rate was still underestimated to some extent.The model sensitivity test has been carried out,and the most sensitive parameters identified are the initial concentrations of reactants and the light intensity as well as HONO offgasing rate and O3 wall loss rate.All of which demonstrated that CAPS-ZJU smog chamber could derive high quality experimental data,and could provide insights on chamber studies and chemical mechanism development.
【摘要】课堂教学是小学生进行英语学习的主要场所,但是受注意力影响,小学英语的学习难度相对较高,课堂教学效果并不理想。从教学实践来看,驱动式教学模式符合素質教育的发展需求,符合小学生的身心特征;在教学过程中应该遵循面向全体学生的原则、可操作性原则、以学生为主体的原则、激励性原则等四项原则,按热身活动、现学习任务、任务完成过程、成果展示、学习评价、作业与练习六个环节来组织实施。  【关键词】驱动式教学