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我局是由解放前的一对矿井扩建而成的。解放后在毛主席革命路线指引下,劳动条件不断改善,生产规模也日益发展,于一九五八年开始实现机械作业。全局掘进岩巷大都为石英砂岩,游离二氧化矽含量很高,平均为57.6%。在文化大革命前,由于对矽尘危害认识不足,没有及时贯彻执行国务院《关于防止厂矿企业中矽尘危害的决定》,全岩掘进尽是搞干打眼,致使掘进工作面粉尘浓度曾高达1070毫克,极大的威胁着工人的身体健康。自一九六五年贯彻国经周字100号文件以来,我们遵照毛主席“在实施增产节约的同时,必须注意职 Our bureau was expanded from a pair of mines before the liberation. After the liberation, under the guidance of Chairman Mao’s revolutionary line, working conditions were continuously improved and the scale of production was also growing day by day. Machinery operations began in 1958. Most of the global tunneling rock quartz sandstone, free silica content is high, with an average of 57.6%. Before the Cultural Revolution, due to lack of knowledge about the hazards of silica dust, the State Council’s “Decision on Preventing the Dust from Silica in Factories and Mines” was not implemented in a timely manner. Whole rock excavation was done with drills, causing the dust concentration on the working face to have reached 1070 mg , A great threat to the health of workers. Since 1965, following the implementation of the document of the State Economic Weekly No. 100, we have followed Chairman Mao’s principle of "increasing production and saving, we must pay attention to
目的:  探讨胸腺瘤伴重症肌无力(thymoma accompanied with myastheniagravis)患者的WHO病理分型(2004 WHO)、Maosaoka临床分期与重症肌无力(myasthenia gravis,MG)发生、临
70年代中期,在原奎斯塔露天钼矿下面发现新的高品位钼矿体。由于新矿体埋藏较深,若继续用露采,剥采比太大,因此决定结束露采,转为地下开采。于1978年动工建设地下 In the m
背景和目的:Lp(a)是Kare Berg于1963年发现,是存在于人血浆中的一种特殊脂蛋白。Lp(a)由脂质和蛋白质两部分组成,中心脂质类似低密度脂蛋白(LDL)核心,外周被一分子的apo(a)和一分
This paper deals with the problem of designing state or full-order output feedback H-infinity controllers satisfying an α-stability constraint. A descriptor sy