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大学毕业后不久,先生携我的手走进围城。那时我们都很年轻,想着要充分享受两人世界的温馨与浪漫,要抓紧时间学习,在工作上做出点成绩,所以商量着暂时不要孩子。而且,白手起家的我们经济拮据,也确实没有能力将呱呱坠地的小家伙抚养长大。于是,避孕就成了我们首先要解决的生活难题。先生是科班出身的医生,对安全期避孕法情有独钟。他说,在所有的避孕方法中,这是最简单、最自然、最无伤害性的方法,还说,你的月事那么准,哪天是危险期很容易推算出来,只要咱们不在危险期内同房,是不会发生意外的。他一副胸有成竹的样子,不由我不信。很幸运,几个月过去,相安无事,我俩乐滋滋的,尽情地品味着性爱的芬芳与甜蜜,每一次的酣畅淋漓都是心与心的交融。也许是渐渐地放松了警惕,不知不觉中将安全期的范围一再扩大的缘故吧,糊里糊涂的,我怀孕了。说心里话,我想要这个孩子,想品尝初为人母的喜悦与自豪,可当时的情傀决定了他不能降临人间。无可奈何,我只得去作人流。半躺在冰冷的检查床上, Shortly after graduating from college, Mr. walked into the siege with my hand. At that time, we were all very young and thought to fully enjoy the warmth and romance of the two worlds. We must seize the time to learn and make some achievements at work. Therefore, we discussed not to have children for the time being. Moreover, our self-made financial constraints, but also really do not have the ability to bring up the kidnapped young man grew up. Thus, contraception has become the first life problem we must solve. Mr. Kobayashi is a physician born in a science-based institution and enjoys a soft spot for the safety-life contraceptive method. He said that this is the simplest, the most natural and the most non-invasive way to treat all contraceptive methods and adds that it is easy to figure out how accurate your monthly schedule is and how dangerous it is. As long as we are not in danger Within the same room, there will be no accident. He was a well-established look, could not help but I do not believe. Very lucky, a few months later, no problem, we enjoy ourselves, enjoy the fragrance and sweet taste of love, every hearty heart and heart blend. May be gradually relaxed guard, unknowingly the scope of the security period has expanded again because of it, confused, I was pregnant. To be honest, I want this child, want to taste the joy and pride of the early motherhood, but the mood of the puppet decided that he can not come to earth. Helpless, I had to go for abortion. Half lying on the cold examination bed,